thank you.

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i cannot believe that this story is finished, its crazy that it started almost exactly a year ago... this is so completely insane.

i want to start off by thanking all of you, my readers for allowing me to grow as a writer while you all stood by with my sparse updates and ever-changing story line. when i first started writing falling i wasn't in a good place mentally, and writing these stories allowed me to have a healthy outlet to put my feelings into. thank you for letting me grow.

the love i have for these books is never ending, i've met amazing people from writing them, and i read your comments giving each other advice... it makes me so happy to know that people are connecting because of something i've done.

if you would like to keep up with my writing, i have another harry fic called "saltwater", as well as i'm working on a matty healy fic that will be out later today. as for falling and fineline, these books will undergo heavy editing because i have grown so much as a writer, now i know what needs to be changed.

my dms are always open if anybody wants to chat, thank you for everything. i love you always.

jess xoxo

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