a twenty-one

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if i wrote a matty healy fic would anybody read it? also, i published a new harry fic called "saltwater" if anybody wants to give it a read:) i luv u always💕💕💕

Looking around the room I was quite content with how it looked. Clearly my decorating skills had gotten better since I had to set up a room last.

I grabbed the stack of name tags that sat on my desk, along with a roll of tape and began to put them on each table. I didn't know any of my students yet, so I didn't tape them down too well because I knew they'd be moved around at a later date.

Taking one last look around my classroom I smiled, it felt cozy and I hoped that the students would like it as much as I did. The only thing missing was a class pet, but I didn't want to make the decision of what it would be by myself- a task that was on the class daily schedule for tomorrow, sat in between recess and spelling.

I grabbed the last of my things and turned off the bluetooth speaker that I had placed on my desk, before turning off the lights and leaving the classroom. I'd finally become familiar with the layout of the school, so finding Calum's office was easy.

"Done for the day?" He smiled from his desk, setting files down.

"Finally, it only took a week to get everything how I wanted... So it looks pretty damn good if I do say so myself."

"Is that why you're all smiley?"

I lightly shook my head and smiled. I'd called my parents at lunch and we talked for the first time since our falling-out. Going forward I knew that things would be a bit rocky, but at least our feelings had been discussed and I was beginning to understand why they didn't tell me certain things.

Recently, I'd been realizing that the people in my life were only trying to keep me safe. Although, whenever somebody tried doing something to protect me I was taking it as a personal attack instead of a safeguard. But I was done self-sabotaging. There was no reason for it.

"I might have called my mom and dad," I shrugged, smiling lightly.

"Really? That's great Bella, I'm proud of you." He stood up and walked over to me, leaning against the door frame.

"How was your day?" I asked, wanting to change the conversation away from myself.

"I was just going through more files and organizing stuff so you know, boring until now."

I felt my cheeks heat up, so I combed my fingers through my hair hoping that it would take the attention away from the obvious blush that was creeping its way onto my face.

"Are you heading out now?"

"Within the next little bit yeah... I was gonna ask, do you maybe want to go to dinner to celebrate how good of a day you had? If I remember you owe me a dinner date." He chuckled.

I thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. I'd love to go out... as long as you're buying." I winked.

"Just let me grab my coat and I'll meet you outside."


"So she smashed your windows? Over what... a rejection text?" I giggled.

Calum was currently telling me about a girl that had asked him out over text when he was sixteen, and the absolute chaos that she caused when he let her down.

"Mhm, totally kicked all of them in. I spent that summer working to replace all of them... my mom was pissed."

"I couldn't imagine why," I chuckled, popping a french fry in my mouth.

"You know what's funny? Last I heard of her she was in prison,"

I let out a loud laugh, almost not believing what he was saying. Lying or not, it was a funny story so I'd take it.

"I couldn't imagine, like at sixteen too? No wonder she's in jail." I shook my head.

He nodded. "What about you? Any crazy exes?"

I opened my mouth to speak before his head shot up, "Wait- you don't need to answer that,"

"It's okay, I don't mind. Honestly? Not really, the craziest I've dated was a guy with drug problems and horrible anger issues." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry Bella, I already know about Harry. I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, really. But the guy I'm talking about wasn't Harry."

He nodded, not pushing any further. Truthfully, talking about my past toxic relationships didn't hurt. It got me thinking a little bit, but I was over it. Those relationships didn't define who I was as a person now, so there was no reason to dwell on it.

We talked a bit more while we finished our food, but I could tell Calum felt bad about what he asked, no matter how many times I assured him it was okay.

Before I knew it we were walking out of the elevator to our doors. Calum's hand was on the small of my back and my coat was in my hands. Smiles were prominent on both of our faces as we stepped out of the elevator.

"You know, I really had fun tonight. We should go out again sometime." I smiled, looking up at Calum.

"I did too, Bella. I really enjoy your company."


My head shot in the direction of Harry's voice, which was coming from where he was standing in front of my door.

"Harry?" I stared at him quizzically as awkward tension consumed the three of us.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning?" Calum coughed, looking at me.

I nodded, giving him a small smile. He walked past Harry while giving him a small nod. He waved goodbye once again before stepping inside of his suite.

"What are you doing here?" I turned my attention back to the man standing in front of my door.

"I was uh, in the area and I wanted to stop by. I've only been here for a few minutes."

"Just waiting outside? Seems a bit odd, don't you think?" I asked unlocking my door and stepping inside.

I set my things down on the counter before turning around, seeing Harry still standing in the hallway.

"Are you coming inside?"

He smiled lightly before stepping inside, closing the door behind him.

"I wasn't waiting, more so trying to grow the balls to knock on the door," He chuckled. "Was that Calum?"

I nodded, "We're just friends, nothing more so-"

"Hey, I'm not gonna bug you about it love. We're not together anymore so it's none of my business."

His words made me frown, although they were true it was just a tad bit hard to hear him say it.

"Why are you in Philly?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I'm writing the new album here."

"What? Out of all places you could go... why here?"

"When I write I liked to go to places I haven't experienced yet, so here I am. It's kinda giving me inspiration,"

"I'm not sure what here is giving you inspiration," I tilted my head while looking at him.

"Just a few things... or people."

LOLLL i broke my fingers at work so i couldn't write IM SORRY BAHAHA

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