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there's 10 chapters left hehe

+ harry will be in da next chapter

also check the authors note at the end of the chapter ily mwah

"Is that the last box?"

I groaned, taking a seat on my sofa that sat in the middle of my living room.

No, it wasn't staying there, I was just too lazy to move it where I wanted it to be... so for now the middle of the living room floor would have to suffice.

"There's a few in my car... just with small things. Nothing important that I need to worry about right now." I wiped my forehead with the back of hand.

Calum nodded and took a seat next to me, looking at the boxes that were scattered around the apartment. "Do you want to go get food? I'm starving." He smiled at me.

"I honestly think that I'm too tired to eat, can I take a raincheck?"

It wasn't totally a lie, I was exhausted as a result of the busy few days we had. Moving was always stressful, but that paired with getting ready to start my new job next week... I was just tired.

"Of course, just make sure you eat something before you go to bed... okay? Don't want you getting sick a few days before you start work."

"You worry too much," I chuckled.

"Just about you." He smiled, making my cheeks turn a light pink colour.

Silence fell over the room as we sat on the sofa. Although, it wasn't even the slightest bit awkward. I enjoyed Calums company and was growing more comfortable with him being around.

Not long after, we bid farewell and he left to his own suite which just happened to be two doors down from me. He made sure to let me know to call him if I needed help with anything which I greatly appreciated. I'm sure that I'd need help moving furniture and building my coffee table, but that was a task that would wait until another day.

I unpacked a few more boxes and made sure that my things for work were ready for the morning. Although school didn't start for a few more days, I wanted to make sure that I had time to decorate my classroom and properly introduce myself to my co-workers before the chaos that always happened during the first bit of the new school year ensued.

As I stood in my bathroom, drying my face with a towel, I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

For the longest time I didn't recognize the girl that stared back at me. She was foreign, a shell of the person that I used to be. Her eyes were dragged down by the dark bags that never seemed to leave no matter how much she slept. Her skin was dry and her lips were chapped. She looked tired.

I didn't see her anymore.

The woman looking back at me was now healthy and happy. She looked eager and her eyes were bright and shiny, the way they were years ago when she was happy because of a man. She realized that she had to be okay with herself before she could be okay with others, and that it was unhealthy to rely on a partner for happiness.

I was happy because I got myself where I needed to be. Not because of Harry, Calum or my parents, and shit...

I was so proud.

So that night, I went to bed with a smile on my face, because I knew that there was nowhere to go but up.


I let out a yawn before aggressively slapping my phone to turn the alarm off, not wanting to look at it first thing in the morning because I know that it would display notifications from people that no longer contributed to my happiness.

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