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I needed to do some serious reevaluating on who I really wanted in my life.

Even though I was slowly making my way to a better place, it felt like whenever I took one step forward, I was taking four steps back because of the people I had around me constantly disappointing me.

"I don't understand why they wouldn't just tell you though. Like it doesn't make sense." Cheryl rubbed her eyes while she sat at the end of my bed.

"Right? Like I may have been a bit over-dramatic just driving away like that, but honestly? I know I'm allowed to feel like this. Who wouldn't?"

"Maybe take some time away from your parents? I think you need to focus on the rest of this semester and graduating, I don't want you to get too stressed about everything."

I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel even a bit weird, sitting here with Cheryl. We hadn't seen each other in awhile... and I was shocked when she even picked up the phone.

"I think you're right. I've gotta chill out for awhile." I sighed, laying back on my bed.

"So, tell me more about this Calum guy. Sounds pretty nice if you ask me."

I groaned while Cheryl laughed, "He's just a friend. I don't wanna get into a relationship for a long time, boys are stupid."

"He definitely doesn't sound like it." She giggled.

I threw a pillow at her face and she threw her hands up in defence. "I'm just saying. It's nice that you're making friends though Bella. I'm proud of you."

I nodded, a small smile on my face. Maybe this was finally the beginning of moving on from everything that happened in the past two years, for real.

"Enough sulking about things we can't change." I shot up from the bed. "I want junk food, wanna come to the store with me?"

"Only if you're buying," She laughed, before we both headed out of the door and away from campus, to a 24-hour convenience store.

We quickly made our way in and out of the store, arriving back at my room with bags of snacks and a bottle of cheap wine... because conveniently there was a liquor store across the street from the Kmart.

A few hours later, we were sat with bags of chips and drunk off of the cheap wine, passing the bottle back and forth as we talked.

"Bro, like I don't understand... life's been absolute shit up until you bought this wine," I giggled, passing the bottle to Cheryl.

"Cheers to that sis." She said, taking a drink. "You know what I don't understand?"

"Hm?" I shrugged.

"How you dated Harry fucking Styles. Like how?"

I groaned, motioning with my hands for her to stop talking. "Nope. Not having that conversation right now."

"I just don't get it Bella... that's literally Harry Styles. How did I never know that you were friends with him?"

"I dunno. I guess I didn't tell anybody cause I didn't want them to be friends with me just for him... plus we weren't close when you and I met. I still don't completely understand why you dropped me when you found out though," I rambled, the alcohol making my brain work in overdrive.

"I still feel horrible about that." She grumbled. "I didn't want you to leave me behind... I've never really had anything constant in my life except for you, and I didn't want to lose you so my first thought was to push you away. I'm so sorry Bella." She said, wiping tears from her face.

I pulled Cheryl in for a hug, tears threatening to spill. "I'd never leave you behind." I sobbed into her shoulder.

We both sat there for a few moments, crying as we hugged.

I never knew how emotional I would get when being wine drunk.

"I love you so much Bella. You mean the world to me and I'd do anything for you," Cheryl sobbed.

"You've done so much for much Cher. I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you." I cried back to her.

"I-" Cherly began speaking, but gagged and jolted forward.

"Cher?" She gagged again.

My eyes widened when I realized she was about to puke, so I reached behind me to grab a bowl that was previously filled with chips.

Putting the bowl in her lap she half puked into it, and half puked all over my lap.

She hurled into the bowl while I sat, holding her hair back with vomit that wasn't mine in my lap. We sat like that for what seems like forever, but was only five minutes.

"Okay..." I spoke out loud, getting up from my spot on the ground. Tying her hair back I shimmied out of my pants. I helped a half-conscious Cheryl out of her clothes and into clean ones.

"I... I'm on the highway to hell, highway to helllll," She began singing drunkily as I helped her get onto my bed.

I stumbled around the dark room to grab my phone, then stepping in puke on my way to the bathroom. I cringed as I hopped on one leg, praying that I wouldn't fall.

Sending a quick text I sat on the edge of the tub, swaying slightly as I lowered myself into the bathtub, still wearing my socks, underwear and a tank top.

I just didn't want to smell like vomit, so taking a bath with my undergarments on would have to do for now... or at least that's what my drunken brain was convincing me would work.

Hearing the door to my room open I smiled as I heard the all too familiar voice say my name.

"Bella? Isabella where are you?"

I hummed as I saw Harry come into view. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked, concern laced in his tone.

"Cher... puke." I said, feeling exhaustion take over me as the tub filled with hot water.

Harry walked over to the tub and kneeled, grabbing a towel and turning off the water. I watched as he helped me out of the tub, then out of my wet clothes and into new ones.

"Let's get you to bed... yeah?"

I hummed in response, and with his arms holding me up we walked to the couch. I laid down while Harry walked back into the bathroom. He came out with towels and soap, and began cleaning the carpet.

Once he was finished he put the dirty laundry in my hamper, then walked over to me.

"Need anything else?"

I shook my head, and he leaned forward, kissing my forehead gently.

"Have a goodnight, Bella."

"Harry... stay." I whispered, letting out a yawn.

"You want me to stay?"

I nodded, patting the spot next to me on the couch.

Harry kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket, laying down next to me.

"I'm gonna do everything I can to fix this Bella." He whispered as I cuddled into him.

"Shh... sleepy time." I yawned again, before falling into a deep sleep.

i am: lacking motivation to finish this book but i'm trying to bare with meeee

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