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please read the authors note at the end:)

"I do." Harry smiled, tears pouring out of his bright green eyes.

I honestly didn't think that I'd ever seen him as happy as he was now, but I wasn't surprised. Wasn't everybody this happy at weddings?

"And do you, Isabella Anderson, take Harry Edward Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, to love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?" The priest spoke from the left of me.

I took a moment to look around at the church we were in; taking the time to look to my right and study all of the amazing decorations we'd spent so long picking out. Flowers lined the isle that I walked down just moments ago, and all of our family and friends sat in pews looking at us teary-eyed.

Looking back at Harry, I smiled, opening my mouth to try and speak the words that would determine that we would be spending the rest of our lives together.

But when I opened my mouth, no words came out.

Harry stood there, an eerie smile spread across his face as I tried to speak, yell, make any noise.

But no sounds were heard.

"Oh Bella." He spoke softly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I was scared. Why couldn't I speak? Why was nobody around us doing anything?

I turned back to try and catch somebody's attention, but I was met with darkness. A big, black pit of nothing in the place that our families stood just moments ago.

Turning back to Harry, I screamed seeing that his body was set afire as he stood in front of me, laughing at my scared demeanor.

As I watched the man I love becoming nothing but a pit of fire, he began morphing into a face that I was all too familiar with.


Before I knew it his arms were wrapped around me, setting me ablaze as he dragged me into the darkness that surrounded us.

I woke up crying, and unable to move.

My chest was rising quickly as I gasped for air, and I could physically feel my heart racing as I tried to catch my breath and find my bearings.

As soon as I had feeling back in my arms, I grasped the bedsheets, seeing as my blankets were no longer on my bed and presumably on the floor. I just needed to convince my brain that I was in fact in my dorm, and not in a church with my exes that caused me a great amount of trauma.

If I were to explain this nightmare to somebody, they'd probably say I sounded crazy and it wasn't as scary as it sounded.

But there was something so terrifying that lingered in the feeling that you're being dragged down into nothingness. No idea where you were going, feeling like this was what would be happening for the rest of eternity.

Besides the fact that my Harry and Michael had somehow found themselves in my nightmare, of course.

"It was just a dream." I whispered to myself a few times, while trying to wipe the sweat off of my forehead.

Sitting up slowly I turned my bedside lamp on, seeing on the analog clock that it was four in the morning.

Better than it being two am. I thought.

For the past few months I found myself being abruptly woken up because of nightmares a few times a week. Did it concern me? A bit. But I'd been so caught up in trying to pass exams and get my dorm packed for move-out day. I didn't have much time to see a...sleep specialist? Or a therapist? Whoever you saw for things like this.

fine line - harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now