(13) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

My hamstrings are killing me. If it has something to say about me, I've ran past my limit yesterday. Maybe, overachieved an imaginary "body goal." Whatever it was, my muscles are paying for it. Had I known I'd be babysitting my overactive nephew the next day, I probably would've stopped when my calves started to ache.

I winced when Ethan run through the sliding doors of the restaurant, dragging me along. My muscles stung in protest. I immediately spotted Jessica at our usual table and watched in horror as my nephew skidded to her direction.

It took me another minute to make it to the table. Then another to sink down on the chair next to a giddy Ethan.

"Why are you walking so stiff?" Jessica turns to me after doing a little high-five with Ethan.

I shake my head. "Just overworked a few muscles."

"And here I thought you're finally a woman." She laughs, handing over the menu to my nephew. "Eat whatever you like. My treat."

"What do you mean?" I leaned back.

"You know, the act of deflowering."

My hands bolted up to cover Ethan's ears. "Jess. Don't say that in front of my nephew," I whisper-yelled.

"What? It's just," she pauses, face contorting with thought, "oh. Deflowering is a bad word."

"Yes. Again, keep this PG-13." I remove my hands, wincing as I slide my arms back to my sides.

She leans over. "So, what happened then?"

"I just overworked a few muscles." I cracked my neck and skimmed the menu, opting for a salad.

"How did you "overwork" them?" She made a quotations in the air with her fingers.

I sighed. "I went for a run in the park with Cade."

"Ooh. The guy you—"

"Again, PG-13."

"Your neighbor," she rephrased.

I sighed. "Thank you."

"See? I told you he's just a little uncomfortable with all the meet-cutes." She shrugs.

"I wouldn't label them meet-cutes."

"You rather I call it in a less PG-13 way?" She smirks.

I shake my head. "God, no. It's just that he doesn't entirely like me."

"Okay, Kathie. Who doesn't like you? Crazy people?"

"Aunt Kathie, can I have cheese burger and fries?" Ethan puts down the menu, a look of decisiveness in his face.

Jess grinned at him. "You don't have to ask her. It's my treat, remember? You can have whatever you like." She gestures at the waiter who came over, listing our orders.

He was a little cute. And passable as per "Jessica-standards" because she's making eyes at him. She ordered the same thing as Ethan, turning to me with questioning green eyes.

"Salad," I murmured.

Jess flawlessly taken the poor guy under her spell within the few seconds he was listing our orders. He left our table, obviously not by choice.

"What?" She batted her lashes when I gave her a look. "There's no harm in flirting."

"There's a harm when it involves you."

Jess rolls her eyes. "I was only going to allow a first base if he bites."

"Aunt Jess, what's a first base?" Ethan asks, head tilting in confusion.

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