(46) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

Raindrops stabbed the car window in furious scrapes, slanting blurry patches across the glass. The wind gusted outside but it hadn't stopped me from jumping out of the backseat. The cab driver called out to me. I didn't turn around. I almost did when I thought I forgot to hand him the fare. I surged on, realizing he was just offering me an umbrella.

The distance between the sidewalk and the doors of my apartment building wasn't at all much of trek. But the distance, however little, still hadn't spared me from the downpour.

I was soaked when I reached the lobby. The concierge struck me a look of concern but I scurried toward the elevator, leaving puddles behind. There's something I had to do that just can't wait. Something that even a nasty downpour can't delay.

I hammered on the control panel, pacing the small space that was the elevator. I slid a hand to my hair and horrified to find it completely wet and a mess.

The elevator pinged open. I frantically combed my hair with my fingers and hurtled down the hall. I skidded into a halt at Cade's door and knuckled impatiently on the door before I could change my mind.

My heart leaped at the sight of man on the other side of the door.

He was still in his dark suit, tie torn loose. He froze. He wasn't surprised to see me at his door given I'm the only person who would have the audacity to not leave him alone. He was surprised at the soaking mess in front of him.

"Jesus, why are you all wet?" Worry plastered across his usually stone-cold face, betraying the supposed impassiveness to it.

I stared up to his handsome face. Warmth spread in my insides despite of the cold rainwater dripping in my clothes. There was a stubborn lock curling over his forehead. His dark brows were pulled together. His blue eyes were round with concern behind his glasses. And his mouth was not in a stiff line.

My heart thumped wildly.

Cade shrugged off his suit jacket and held it out for me.

I glance down at his jacket and then up to his face, my gaze questioning.

His eyes flitted to my chest briefly, his ears turning red. "Put this on. I can see right through your shirt."



"Oh." I grabbed the jacket and pressed it flat on the front of my shirt that left the curves and creases of my bra almost transparent. My cheeks burning, I relish at the scent of the jacket so close to me that it felt like having Cade himself.

"Why," he gestures at my entirety and then says nothing more.

Silence reigned until it was almost awkward.

Cade clears his throat. "Kathie Jane, where have you been? Why are you all wet?"

"I was, um," I self-consciously tuck a strand of my dripping hair behind my ear. "I was with Owen."

"Oh." His jaw clenched.

"We needed to talk and," I fiddled with the fabric of his jacket, "and he proposed to me."

After the decision I had tonight, I needed to see him. I feared I was jumping the gun a little. But then I took one look at his face and knew instantly it had been right.

Something shoots past his face but it was gone as fast as it came. "Congratulations."

I shake my head. "I said no."

He stiffened. He visibly swallowed before speaking again. "You're not engaged?"


Cade nods, his gaze dropping to his shoes. "I don't understand."

"There's nothing much to understand, really. Usually, when people get proposed to and said no, it means they're not engaged." I wanted to hold him but thought better of it no matter how much I wanted to. I kept my eyes on his face to urge his gaze back to my mine.

Cade looked straight into my eyes, looking adorably confused. "You said no?" He hesitated for a bit as if fearful of the answer I might have.

My fingers lifted to one of the buttons of his shirt. I couldn't help but touch him. Not when he's looking all cute and clueless.

"I did." I took a baby step toward him.

Cade barely blinked. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Why did you turn him down?"

His breath hitched when my fingers idly make circled patterns on the front of his shirt.

I felt my mouth curved. "I think you know why, Cadey."

Holding his gaze hostage, I rolled to my tiptoes. I slanted my lips across his and let it brush over them.

His hand automatically flew to my waist. However, seducing the guy wasn't the reason why even an all-out downpour couldn't stop me. So, I pulled back, pleased to see him with his eyes still closed and a little frown of protest.

His eyes fluttered open.

I stared at him, giving him a 'what are you going to do about it' look before turning around and crossing the hall to my own apartment. 

So, what do you think? Tell me on the comments below. We have less than five updates to go until the book is done. Ugh, I can't. I can't say goodbye to these cuties just yet. 

Anyways, check me out on Instagram and Twitter? :) Love you! Xoxo

Anyways, check me out on Instagram and Twitter? :) Love you! Xoxo

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