(31) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

Nathan hands me a glass of orange juice before turning to kiss his wife. He whispers something to her ear that made her laugh. Her hand joined his over the swell of her stomach.

My heart thawed at the sight of my sister, so happily married and pregnant with their second baby. I let the couple have their moment across from me and flit my gaze over the pool to Cade and Ethan examining the birdhouses, hanging off the branches.

This was not the first time Chassie and Nathan has us over. It wasn't the first time Ethan has eagerly requested Cade comes with me either.

It has been a week since the kiss. It was surprisingly easy to avoid any conversations that lead up to it. The details of the kiss though, that I cannot push all the way aside. It has been engraved in my mind and then late at night, I relive it all. I'd fall asleep soundly afterward. Then wake up guilty.

I sip on my orange juice, hiding a smile at the sight of Ethan and Cade eating chocolate bars.

"Just call me if you need anything." Nathan kisses his wife one more time and squinted at Ethan and Cade's direction. "I have to join those two. If Ethan keeps hanging out with him, he will end up with rotting teeth."

I fake an affronted gasp. "Cade doesn't have that much of a sweet tooth."

"Are you sure about that?" Chassie grins at me. "The last time you guys were here, Ethan ate more sugar than he had in weeks. No wonder he likes hanging out with Cade."

"Bye, ladies. Again, call me if you need anything."

"Like ring the bell?" I teased.

Nathan chuckles. "Just call, okay?"

"We'll be fine." Chassie made a shooing gesture at him and puts a protective hand over her round belly.

His blue eyes softened and then he turns to join the guys.

"Doesn't Nathan have work?" I ask wryly.

"His cousins, Spencer and Reese are kind enough to step in."

I smiled. "That's nice of them. I have to say, his cousins intimidates me."

"They're nice." She shrug. "Snobbish at first but nice."

I snorted. "I can tell."

"Spencer, Reese, Colin and Walsh are nice people, " she insisted. "They give Ethan pricey gifts."

"Of course, they do. The Foresters are big time on real estates."

Chassie's waves her hand dimissively, eyes twinkling in mirth. "Doesn't Cade have work?"

My mouth clamped shut, my cheeks flushed.

"Not that I don't want the man in my house. My Ethan had been bragging about his new Uncle at school. Even Nathan likes having him around because he finally has someone to talk to who doesn't fall asleep when he starts talking about business stuff. I know he wants to keep an eye on us," she patted her belly, "but working from home can be pretty dull."

"I doubt that. He likes being close to his family," I replied, choosing a safe train of conversation.

"Yeah. And I presume Cade likes being close to you?"


"I know the guy is a very busy man. And he spends what little time off he could get with... us?" She shifted in her seat across from me and played with the straw of her carrot smoothie.

I opted for a nonchalant shrug. "We're good friends, that's all."

"Well, then, I prefer this good friend. He's made so much effort with Ethan. Owen couldn't even manage an attendance to our family events."

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