(41) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

When Cade and I arrived at the party, there were already endless lines of limos curving up the driveway. Servers in white shirts wander the room with trays serving appetizers. I searched for my mother in the middle of sparkly dresses and leaned in to whisper something on Cade's ear. "Please, tell me you spotted my mother."


"Lots of beautiful women tonight," I murmured more to myself, freezing when I felt his fingers skate over my exposed shoulder blades.

Cade's lips brushes against the shell of my ear. "You're the most beautiful one though."

I try to stifle the warm rush his words have brought but hadn't succeeded. I went shopping with Jess and Audrey, thinking my closet doesn't have old standbys that will suit me best tonight. The strapless silk dress is the best choice. Sure, I think of what I should wear to parties and this one is not an exception. I dress for parties. However, I'd be lying to myself if I say I didn't dress for Cade.

Yes, I chose the sapphire-blue silk dress to match his eyes.

"If you keep saying sweet things like that, it will go straight to my head."

Cade chuckles. "Good. I want you well aware that I'm crazy about you."

Another rush tingled me all over. Choosing the dress had felt like an anxious task. And it took me an hour to put on my makeup. Cade made it all so worth it though.

When I opened the door of my apartment, Cade's blue eyes glimmered appreciatively. He kept sneaking glances the entire time and when we got out of the limo, his hand made a possessive residence on the small of my back.

He made me feel his. And I just love being Cade's.

But however I want to keep the alarm from going off, I hear it in the back of my mind. Although slightly muted, it's still there. And the fear of tomorrow gnaws at me. I want us to stay what we are today. No questions whether we might not be the same the next day.

Cade clears his throat, snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

"I see your mom. She's with my mother. Shit, they're coming our way." His hand stiffened against my back. It was startlingly alarming that it would hurt my feelings if he chose to take it off.

I put a hand on his arm, pleased that he relaxed underneath my touch. "We'll be fine, Cadey."

Our mothers approached us wearing grins that could probably stretch for miles.

"Hi, sweetie. I'm glad to know I didn't have to drag you by the ear to make you come to this party." Margaret gave us a meaningful look.

My own mother has pulled Cade into a hug. "Cade, I'm so happy you and Kathie came. She didn't hold you at gunpoint, did she?"

"No. We all know she can be really persuasive most of the time, Mrs. Lewis," he quips after pulling back from the hug.

Our mothers laughed.

Dear Lord, my Cadey is making jokes now.

"It's Lizzie, Cade. The formalities between us had been history. Hold on, my husband is right here somewhere. I don't believe you've been in proper introductions with Kathie's father yet." She made a quick perusal inside the room, her brown eyes lighting up so I assumed she spotted him. She made a gesture at my dad who left his friends to come and say 'hi.'

"Honey, this is Cade Parkinson. Margaret's firstborn." My mother beams.

Margaret nods approvingly.

Cade offers his hand to shake. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Lewis."

My dad looks down to his hand then to me. I gave him my cheekiest smile. As if it's the only persuasion he needs, he shook his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. I read about you. I'm impressed with the improvement—"

"Dad, it's a weekend. Probably best to keep business talks on weekdays."

"Yes, David. Let's let them have a good time." My mom swathed her hand around his arm.

"Well, you two enjoy the party. We're off to catch up with some friends. Also, if you see your brothers, tell them your little sister is at home with your dad," Margaret says with a wide grin.

Our parents left to greet the guests. When they were completely out of earshot, Cade heaved out a sigh. "Sorry. I suck at introductions."

"You were great."

"Not according to your dad."

I giggled. "It's the way he is with every boy that ever gets near me and my little sister."

"I understand. I feel the same way about my sister. But I hadn't been on this side of the fence."

"You're always the one giving the disapproval, I get that." I look up to his face, a pleased smile on my lips.

His eyes flitted over my shoulder. "And speaking of little sister, Chassie's waving us over to their table."

Cade offered to get me a drink and placed a soft kiss on my cheek. Nathan and Chassie exchanged looks but preferred not to say anything. Or if they were about to say anything, Ethan had beat them to it because he started raving about his new birdhouses.

I nodded distractedly when I caught a glimpse of someone familiar in the crowd. I murmured something to be excused. I stood up and squint my eyes further, my blood running cold.

My tongue tasted stale inside my mouth and it suddenly deprived me of speech. There was a wild pumping in my chest. My guts were twisting and I was sick to my stomach.

Then he stepped out of the confines of the crowd like a ghost from the past. A ghost that's perfectly tanned and way different from when the last time I've seen him.

I took in a sharp breath.

He stood in front of me with a megawatt smile and arms stretched out for hug.

"Hi, babe." Owen's arms wrapped around me. He happily swung me around, but it had only made my head spin and eventually I was feeling a little nauseous.

My back went ramrod straight when he pulled me to his chest. I did a panicked search in the crowd. Then my gaze collided smack into Cade's. Something scooted past his blue eyes and then the shutter snapped close.

For the first time after several blissful months, I couldn't read him all over again.

Cade looked away.

My heart splinters.

Cade steps back into the crowd.

My heart cracks.

Cade walks away.

My heart shatters.

Hi, beauties! So, what do you think?
We know this was coming, but tell me if it hurts more than you anticipated. lol! Tell me on the comments below and I will reply. It's Friday so I'm ready to stay up soooo late. Haha. TGIF, you guys!
It's officially a weekend and I'm so giddy! Ah, can't wait to do nothing all day. 🤣

I do have plans to write though. While lying on the couch or bed. Love you, guys! Don't forget to vote, okay? Happy pills. Happy pills.

Also I just want to share Little Mix's perfect performance of Secret Love Song on BBC. Ugh, it just tears at me. They made it sound more emotional than it already is. A little theatrical and it just pulls the right strings.

Although I'm missing Jesy, I'm willing myself to understand that she needed to take a break for medical reasons. I miss her voice. I don't know but she completes the harmonies.

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