(39) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

Cade's assistant regarded me with an amused smile when I reappeared in the halls with a pink box that smelled of sugar and strawberry. Cade surprisingly agreed I come to his office with him. It was meant as a joke, but the guy simply can't detect humor sometimes.

I survived twenty minutes examining his office by sight and later on by touch while he was hunched over his computer. And then when he started getting work calls, I couldn't help but listen to the "work mode" Cadey.

I was afraid the calls were private and gesture to him if I should leave but he shakes his head, his brows in an adorable crease. It felt nice listening to him talk even if ninety nine percent of the conversation was a whole other scene for me. My mind stopped trying the moment he mentioned Capital expenses.

I went ahead and excused myself to go for a coffee-run/pick-up the cupcake I made specific requests for.

Mark nodded at the pink box. "Is that for the boss?"

I beamed. "How did you know?"

"I can smell the amount of sugar from here." He grins.

I laugh. "Just a little something."

"Well whatever it is, it must be the greatest thing. I never seen him frown today. Oh, and he'd been smiling these past few days."

"That's a bad thing?" I laid the box on his desk, stalling.

He chuckles. "It's not. Except it freaks me out a little. People in this office are not used to it."

I rolled my shoulders. "Change is good."

"Speaking of good, my boss asked me if I could cancel his meetings so he can take the rest of the day off and," he raises a finger, "he thanked me."

"My sister invited us for Barbecue."

He leaned back on his swivel chair. "The one married with the real estate tycoon?"

"Last time I check, yes, she is. And I only have one sister."

Mark smiles. "When is she due?"

"They've got three more weeks until another baby comes to join the family. We're all excited actually." A wide grin stretched my mouth wider.

He nods. "Oh. A boy or a girl?"

"They want it to be a surprise. My nephew wants a baby brother though."

"And what if it's a girl?"

My nose crinkled. "Well, he might throw a tantrum but a girl will be too adorable not to love."

"I bet. You ever planned on settling down?"

"I know I will with the right person." I wink. "And speaking of the right person, did Cindy love the scarf?"

His eyes brightened. "She loved it. Thank you. I had no idea what to give her on her birthday."

"You're welcome."

He propped his elbows on his desk and leaned forward. "And speaking of the right person, are we thinking about the same "frowny" face.

Heat rises in my cheeks. An answer was in the tip of my tongue. But I laughed it off. The lesser I think about it, the lesser it gets complicated.

The door of Cade's office clicked open and his dark head popped out. His blue eyes landed on Mark and then to me.

I watch them warmed when they meet mine. "Hi, Cadey. I'm not trying to squeeze valuable information about you out of your assistant."

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