(21) Kathie Jane

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Kathie Jane

Cade had been elusive the past few days. At first, I thought it was just me trying to read too much between the lines. And that he'd been busy. Not brushing me off. But after a couple more days where I was intentionally up before the crack of dawn to maybe "accidentally" run into him in the lobby or in the elevator, I came up with a conclusion that maybe he was avoiding me.

Today I figured, Sundays could be the time he gets way off schedule and I took my chances.

I waited outside the hall. All morning. I was to drop by at Chassie and Nathan's since the honeymooners made it back yesterday, but I figured I still have time to waste away no matter how eager I was to see my sister.

Cade's door finally opened.

I was staring at my compact in pretense of checking the minimal makeup I put on. I put on my friendliest smile when he met my gaze. "Hi."

"Hi," he replies curtly before turning to leave.

"Wait, Cade."

He stops then looks over his shoulder. He doesn't say anything.

"Where you off to?" I walk over to him.

The look he gave me was from when we first met – incredibly impassive. And the only thing that made the slightest crack in his pristine and ice-cold poker face was the embarrassing boob shoving. And as much I'm desperate for another ice breaker, that wouldn't be an option.

"Parents'," he murmurs, staring at the silver doors of the elevator. Anything but me.

"Cade," I sighed, "is there something wrong?"

He pressed the button with a stiff hand. "No."

"Then why are you not talking to me?" I fidget with the sling of my purse, suddenly bothered by the cold demeanor.

"We're talking. That's were doing." He shrugged indifferently.

I shake my head, my frustration building. "Did I do something to upset you, Cade?"

The elevator doors slid open and then he already had one foot inside.

I grabbed one of his sleeves and tugged as hardly as I could to stop him from going in. "Cade, wait. Please, why are you suddenly not talking to me?"

"Mind your own business, Kathie Jane. What do you want from me?" He says, his glasses making a wall between our gazes. He was more distant than before. Hell, I didn't know he could be colder than he already was but he is.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

He wriggles his arm away from my grip, the other going between the elevator doors that started to close to activate the sensors that allows it to reopen. "I have a life, Kathie Jane. Find another babysitter who can shower you the attention you need."

I flinched.

It wasn't entirely the words that hurt. It was the dismissive manner the way he said it. It was the way his eyes flicked blankly toward me one second then away the next.

He looks at me one more time, just before the elevator closes. And I hope he hadn't seen the tears that gathered in my eyes.

* * *

I forgotten the excitement of reuniting with my sister. When I pulled up into their driveway, I still hadn't gotten over my badly bruised feelings. The lump in my throat hadn't gone down either. It stayed like a shard of a broken glass grazing the inside of my throat.

Their front door opened, my nephew racing toward me with the widest welcoming smile. "Aunt Kathie!"

"Hi, baby." The only time I felt a lot better was when my nephew eagerly climbed my leg to give me a hug.

"I missed you."

I chuckled, lifting him off the ground to my arms. "I missed you too."

He peppers my face with kisses and locked his arms around my neck.

I waved happily to my sister standing in their doorstep, so gorgeously tanned and sun-kissed. The pregnancy weight has shown a little but no one had looked better with it than her. Her jeans had only cued her even curvier hips.

Nathan stood with his arms secured around her as he hugs her from behind. After weeks of being away together, you'd think the honeymoon phase would've worn off, but not with these two, I guess.

"Hi, you. You look more gorgeous than I last seen you." I walked toward them, Ethan in my arms.

Chassie steps out of Nathan's hug and greets me with her own. "I've missed you."

"It's so nice to see you, Kathie." Nathan greets me next.

A moment later, Chassie and I sat in their kitchen. Ethan and his daddy were out in the backyard repairing a birdhouse. He served his wife a plate of salad before leaving us to catch up. He didn't go without a subtle kiss on the side of her head and the slight linger of his hands on her waist and the hips that flared more beautifully.

"How was the honeymoon? How did you tell him about the baby?" I grinned.

Chassie answered all my prodding joyfully. When I asked more questions, she held up a hand, her voice going serious. "Kathie, I know about Owen going MIA. I can't be talking about my honeymoon so you can skip telling me. Which reminds me, why didn't you tell me?"

"What? Who told you?"

"Dad told me yesterday. He can't really keep a secret," she pointed out.

I sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She repeated.

I lifted my shoulder. "I was going to tell right after you came back from your honeymoon."

"You should've just told me immediately."

"You were having a wedding."


"You're supposed to be a happy bride."

"Kathie, you needed me. You're more important than a bridal happiness." She sunk her fork down the plate of greens that she hardly touched and put a hand over mine.

Tears pooled in my eyes. They had been in the corners just waiting for the right time to spill. Plus, I had earlier's brush-off from Cade that still stung.

Chassie pulls me into a hug. "He's such a douche."

"No. He's right. He has his own life," I murmured more to myself.

"What do you mean? He just upped and left. Having his own life doesn't justify that."

I frowned at myself, realizing we were not on the same page. "Sorry, I meant, Owen had been pressured. Maybe he just really needed the time to think. Anyway, I'm just less bitter about it."

"Are you sure?" She strokes my back comfortingly.

"Yeah. I had my mind preoccupied with other stuff so I don't think about it much."

She loosens the hug and pushes me in arm's length. "How's the apartment?"

"It's every last bit as I thought it would be. It's wonderful. Also, I have this neighbor who hates my guts."

"Neighbor who hates you? She must be crazy jealous." She mused.

I shake my head. "It's a 'he' and someone you know."

Her brows arched. "Really? Who?"

"Cade Parkinson," I answered. The next thing I know, I was telling her everything. From move-in day, up to the encounter we had this morning.

It was odd hearing myself talk about my riddle of a neighbor when once upon a time, I have been wanting to tell my sister about the day I got home to my apartment and found Owen's note. 

Hi, guys! Sorry for the typos. Thank you so much for reading. Tell me what you think on the comments below. And vote if you like this chapter. :) Shout out to this beautiful hooman @Avengeri for making me feel awesome today! Seriously, I can't thank you enough.

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