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Aiden purged through each camera in accordance to where the Ninth progressed, supposing which camera would have a view of them. The Ninth carefully maneuvered through the bottom floor of their barracks, peeking round corners and holding positions when they would spot one of the twenty five soldiers that were patrolling the camp after their briefing seen by the Sixth previously. On what their briefing was about, they'll never know. The training given to them as the camp's espionage squadron was acutely efficient for progressing towards where they wanted to go.

Their intentions could not be heard audibly, but the gestures they demonstrated made up for the inconvenience.  As they spoke, Aiden was already pinpointing manners to give them aural hearing. There was a soundless discomposure that lurked in the expressions the Ninth gave. It was a fear they despised greatly, afraid of it's terrifying emanation but yet was a desperation that they had to fulfill. Soon, the dimmed luminescence of young moonlight revealed itself at the entrance step and spotted their opportunity. 

After a brief clearance on the lack of hostiles on the fields, they made their march underneath the glass bridge that linked the Sixth and the Ninth's barracks together. Pistols or bracers of theirs were raised in the hopes of not having to utilize them. The shadow the bridge provided allowed them to curve and skim on the edge of the cafeteria, simulation theater and library hybrid building. That's when their plan was revealed to the Sixth, who watched them give it a do-or-die test drive.

In the assumption that the military was anonymous to the knowledge that the camp had been invaded, they were going to retake the tower and transmit an SOS to regain control. It was the finest idea there was in the moment, since simply leaving the camp would make notice to the tower. But why were they so crucial as to confirm that this had been the case; That they had been stranded? 

The feeds were replaced once more, with the only difference being the same patch of debris-dirtied grass seen only moments before having been deteriorated of the previous twenty-five soldiers that had been congregated there. No one uttered a word, imperious to the notion that the Ninth were already being watched by the hidden soldiers with every step they took. Seeing their dubious yet definitive opening, they made their thread for the needle and exposed themselves into the radiance of the night sky.

The hearts of the Sixth raced alike the Ninth, each crackle of the grass's bristles being faintly heard in the audio of the feed once Aiden had found a channel to link them to sound receptors. Each beat correlated with each step they took through the scattered pieces of debris from the building aside them. They got closer and closer toward the tower, convinced that their plan was falling into their favor. Their confidence grew strong and focused on the tower, unaware of their foreboding environment.

Closer and closer they trudged, their stride growing heavier and heavier with every second that passed. Before their eventual entrance, the impetuous crack of gunfire pierced their drums and fished their senses back to where they should have been. The unforeseen torrent of metal had it's consequences on the negligent bunch struck down those exposed to the iron sights of the troopers. Acting with haste, their bodies glued to the closest piece of rock they could use for protection; Even if it was only for a moment.

Those who watched as the symphony of bullets made organization clenched their jaws and felt meaningless in their inevitable defeat. Miles, even with such heavy doubts, still had his faith in Lily. He still had his hopes that they would prevail over the numbering odds placed against them. Aiden had his eyes plastered not on the screen, but on the reflection it had on Miles. He was one of the few who knew for sure that he never just saw them as an allying squadron and saw it for the squadron led by Lily. His struggle on concealing his doubtful eyes with the costume of hope was as clear as day to Aiden's perception.

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