Chapter 1: Nachher

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(This is the start of the Epilogue? Maybe? I'm not really sure to be honest.

Thank you AnaJGolden, KnifeHappyPsyco, and Feather12366!)
    All the Trolls had headed home to hopefully try and fix what they could. Trollex hadn't seen what state Techno Reef was in until now, and it certainly wasn't a pretty sight at all. It felt bitter sweet, finally being able to come home, only to find it broken Beyond repair.

It wasn't helping the fresh memories of being a rock zombie that still lingered in his mind. But Trollex was going to ignore it the bets he could so he can help everyone else as much as possible. The Techno King was one of the last ones to even see the state of his personal home, where he sleeps and keeps all his belongings.

Trollex still couldn't get over how silent it was in his little coral-like home, his parents were always doing something that involved noise, it honestly gives Trollex the old feeling he used to have when he would worry nonstop over if his parents were alright.

BDB lightly bumped Trollex's arm, pulling the DJ away from his thoughts. Trollex looked at his best friend and saw the similar look of understanding in his friend's eyes. BDB understands since he lived with Trollex for a lot of both their lives, from when they were little to now.

It's a shame the nice yet sad moment was interrupted by memories the feeling of suffocation, Trollex was kinda upset at himself for not getting over this, though it was mainly because all the other leaders seem perfectly fine. Trollex involuntary groaned, pushing the palm of his hand against his forehead. It hurt, in a way, and it was always from his head.

"Trollex?" BDB asked, obviously worried. Trollex quickly did his best to fix his appearance, facing his friend with a smile.

"I'm alright, I'm alright. Just some bad memories." Trollex said, though he was whispering by the end. BDB asked what the memories were, of course since it's not like BDB wouldn't. Trollex was hesitant though, BDB already knows about his parents and a few other things that bother him from time to time, he doesn't want to worry BDB further.

But, he was giving him The Face, the one where his eyes seem bigger, the one that Trollex just can't bring himself to say 'no' to. Trollex looked away and sighed, giving up since he might as well.

As Trollex explained everything, he cleaned and inspected his home. The coral was practically dead and somewhat collapsing, a lot of the furniture was damaged because of it. Trollex wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying sometimes while he worked, but he was able to catch himself when he noticed he was going to say something he shouldn't.

Trollex finished talking before cleaning/gathering his belongings since his home was not fixable. The DJ glanced over at BDB, the look on his face caused Trollex to stop what he was doing immediately. BDB looked horrified, and that was putting it lightly. Trollex was quick to go into 'Mama Mode' as BDB calls it, and make sure BDB was alright.

"You went through WHAT?!" Is what BDB yelled after about two seconds of Trollex trying to get BDB to tell him what wrong. "Man, how are still swimming around like this?!" BDB asked, kinda loudly.

"You're," Trollex paused for a second, "a lot more upset about this than I expected." Trollex finished, BDB only got more upset at that. Trollex did his best to calm his best friend down, "Buddy, I'll be fine! This'll bug me for a few months, then I'll be alright." Trollex explained, though it didn't seem to work.

BDB went into a rambling rampage, it was clear BDB was angry and yelling because he's worried. But the yelling and being aggressive thing isn't helping anyone. It got so bad that BDB wouldn't listen to Trollex when he said his name. It took Trollex Yelling BDB's full name to get the button to be quiet.

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