Chapter 11: Labil

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(I got some time to write, so I'm going to.)
Trollex was tired, though that word is a big understatement, the Techno King is doing his best to push onward so he can finish the day. He's only tired due to being on the surface for so long, and it can get deathly serious if any aquatic troll like himself stayed outside of the water too long. BDB was doing his best to handle his duties at the lagoon, which Trollex was grateful for, but he was debating if he should've tried to convince the button not to.

Either way he looked at it, he simply didn't have the time to go and rehydrate himself. He dries up much quicker compared to the other leaders, but that because of the species of troll he is, his body is used the water and not so much the land. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue since most of his responsibilities involve the techno trolls and being in the lagoon, but he hasn't been able to do that.

Unfortunately, this day was one involving an issue with the hard rock trolls. Trollex himself did his best not to get too involved, but other leaders like Mayor Delta would bring him in if any of the rock trolls was starting a fight. It made sense why, since he had a somewhat small reputation that kinda intimidated the rock trolls at least and flat out scared them at most.

The issue was just that a lot of the rock trolls were making messes and not taking responsibility for it and help clean it up. Queen Barb had a similar problem before it was quickly resolved, but Trollex wasn't there to see it when that happened, he only knows that Poppy was the main reason it was resolved.

Most of what Trollex was doing all day was helping clean up the bigger messes that were made, and hovering nearby when a troll was close to throwing a fit. Despite being the youngest leader, he is constantly amazed that he tends to have the most maturity, not as much as someone like Mayor Delta, Queen Essence, or King Quincy, but he's up there for being more mature. Along with being the more shy one of the group.

With all of this going on, the lack of hydration was really starting to way on the blue bean, a nickname he somehow acquired, and he was starting to get a little worried. It's well known among Techno Trolls of the four stages that occur when one of them is outside water for too long. They call it the stages of Dusting, Trollex was only on stage one, which is fine since it's just being really tired. It's the other stages where he worries.

Stage two is muteness and coughing, the stage he got to back when Poppy, Branch, Biggie, and himself first arrived to the land of the country trolls. That stage is known for clouding judgement, but it mostly just made trolls cranky. Stage three is the illness, being incredibly weak and many symptoms known in common sicknesses altogether. Anyone on that stage needs to move their tail fast to water, if they even have the strength to do so. Since the last stage is Dusting, or death in other words.

Sadly, Trollex is at a disadvantage, any troll with a current or past injured or broken heart has the disadvantage. Even if it's simply not lasting as long as healthy hearts, it still makes a big difference. Either way, Trollex pushed on so he could do what he needed to in order to help.

By the end of the day, the issue was somewhat resolved and Trollex was almost at stage three. He could feel his head start to hurt and everything start to feel uneasy, Queen Essence and Conductor Trollzart were the first ones to take notice, seeing their friend in pain, they were quick to come to the Techno King's aid. King Quincy quickly joining after he was able to cut off from the rest of the group finishing up what they could.

"Trollex?" One of them said, the blue troll himself couldn't figure out who it was as he entered the third stage. His body felt so weak he practically collapsed, luckily being caught by King Quincy. Trollex couldn't focus on anything around him, so many parts of his body were in pain and it felt like the world around him was spinning. It was difficult to even breathe, he almost passed out too.

Luckily though, his friends seemed to know exactly what to do somehow, and before he knew it, he was surround by water. Just feeling the water again starting making him feel much better, he could hear the worried voices of BDB and the techno trolls around him after a while. Once his vision cleared up more, he could see their worried faces too. He notice two trolls holding him up, which he was grateful for.

The techno trolls knew what had happened the moment they saw Trollex enter the water, so they kept him still and gave his body time to recover enough so he could move on his own. It only takes a few minutes, so it wasn't long before Trollex was keeping himself up with his own fin again.

"Dude! This is the seventh time this has happened, why were you up for so long?!" BDB cried, many of the other trolls around them voicing their want for answers as well. The Techno King was silent for a few moments, Trollex felt guilty for pushing himself like that, it's an unfortunate part of him that stayed back when he was living alone, he had to push himself to survive after all.

"I pushed myself past my limits, again. I'm so sorry for making you all worry, I was so focused on helping resolve an issue that I didn't take action for my self care when I needed to." Trollex said with a heavy sigh before briefly explaining the situation that kept him on land for so long.

Many of the techno trolls told him it wasn't his fault and that it was okay, but Trollex believes otherwise. He should have taken action, told one of the other leaders he needed a break to rehydrate, but he didn't. To Trollex, he failed to communicate and that could have had very dangerous and permanent consequences.

Once he was feeling well enough, Trollex was quick to go back to the other leaders and explain everything. He doesn't want to risk this happening again, and luckily most of them understood. He had to explain what happened previously to the ones who didn't understand what was going on, like Poppy and Queen Barb.

In the end, Trollex was glad that the others know about one of the dangers trolls like himself have to deal with when outside the water. So the Techno King returned to the lagoon, helping BDB finished up anything that was needed, and then finally getting some sleep.

(If you have any ideas or suggestions you wish to share for what should be written next, please feel free to share!

There is no room for hate here, your comment will be deleted if you bother to go out of your way to be hurtful.)

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