Chapter 9: Vater

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(I know I haven't posted much, but I'm starting to get back into writing again now that things have calmed down in my life. I also wrote this without remembering much about what I wrote before, so some things might have changed.)
Trollex and Branch has found some time alone together, BDB taking over the Techno King's responsibilities for a while and Branch trusting Poppy to do well on her own. Trollex was a little worried about Branch putting maybe a little too much trust into Poppy, but decided to look over that for now since nothing bad had happened yet.

The two trolls were currently getting ready for a little spar with each other. Though it was more like Trollex teaching Branch how to wield a spear, using one properly and combat and Such. "Now Branch, please make sure your grip isn't too light, you don't want to drop your weapon in the middle of a fight." Trollex said, his hands placed on Branch's to help adjust his grip.

After a while, with Trollex going over the basics of holding one, using it safely, and the correct stance to be in, they were ready to start with the actual combat, somewhat. "So, Uh, how do we start this?" Branch asked, Trollex chuckled, holding his own spear vertically while Branch held his more horizontally.

"When my father taught me how to use a spear, and fight in general, he used a song. It was rather helpful actually, so why don't we use that same song and see if it helps." Trollex said, getting a confused nod from Branch. Trollex smiled before moving to a mini DJ booth he had brought just in case. He started the music and then got back into position.

"Just watch as I do, okay?" The Techno King asked, getting another nod. (Song is Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, by Daft Punk.) It started out rather simple, Trollex doing Defence moves when words like 'Work it, Make it, Do it, Makes us' plays, but showed offensive when the words 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' played.

Trollex didn't get anywhere close to Branch when showing him, instead having Branch copy what he did. After a long while, Branch has gotten a hang of the pattern and they started to actually engage in light combat. Trollex making sure to give pointers and advice if he notices Branch start to slip.

They stopped when the song ended, Mainly because Branch was looking a little worn out. Now, with Branch resting on a rock and Trollex in possession both spears, cleaning one of them, Branch had some questions. "You said your father taught you how to fight, right?" He asked, the Techno King looked over and was quiet for a bit, but did confirm that he was technically taught by his father.

Branch then asked what his father was like, and Trollex stopped messing with the spear entirely. "Well, my father was...Passionate, Strong, Assertive, has some...anger issues. He wasn't the best, but certainly wasn't the worst." Trollex said, his tone betraying that he was nervous and didn't really know what to say.

"I guess he didn't make a very good teacher." Branch said, Trollex looked to the side, remembering how he was taught to fight.

"Not really, the song was really all he did actually. He didn't really like me all that much anyway, got the scars to prove it." Trollex said, mumbling that last part. He placed a hand over his hard and started fidgeting, like he was picking out a scab. Branch noticed, was was confused but also concerned.

"What do you mean?" Branch asked, Trollex sighed. He trusts Branch, a lot actually with how mature he is. So he decided he might as well give him answers, it's not like he's very good at saying 'no' to anyone he's close to. So he had Branch follow him to the lagoon.

After getting confirmation that BDB and Poppy could handle thing for a few more hours, Trollex guided Branch to the river leading to Techno Reef, giving him an air bubble as they entered the water. Once they made it to the original home of the Techno Trolls, Trollex took him to his old home.

Branch asked if they were going inside, to which Trollex quickly explained that they shouldn't do to the structure being unstable. He guided Branch around his old home, and to a rather old and cracked statue stood, one of his father.

"This is where I learned to fight, or well, started to learn." Trollex said, his tone being one of sadness. Remembering what happened, when he announced to his father about singing other types of music, when his father became so outraged about it he broke Trollex's heart in a literal sense, and when his father casted him out of Techno Reef to live on his own.

"My father...hurt me when I did something stupid, gave me this scar on my heart, and tossed me out. Many of the Techno Trolls actually know this, because of how I came back." Trollex explained, ignoring the look of shock Branch had.

"How did you come back?" Branch said after some hesitation, Trollex lead him back and to an area that was kinda full of nothing, it was on the edge of Techno Reef, but it makes sense no one went there. "Is that a skeleton?!" Branch asked in shock, Trollex only nodded.

"Techno Reef was attacked, no one but my father was brave enough to face these creatures. But he wasn't strong enough to do anything. I was watching from the sidelines when it happened, I wasn't myself back then, no color and a broken heart tends to do that. I only interfered after it was clear my father wasn't going to make it and...let's just say, I showed this creature in particular no mercy." Trollex explained, Branch being quiet throughout all of it.

Branch looked back at the somewhat skeletal remains of what Trollex fought, realizing just what the Techno King can do if he wished. "So, you learned how to fight, because you were on your own?" He asked, getting a nod from Trollex. The Techno King explained that the ocean isn't safe, never really was, Techno Reef was just ignored for the most part my most creatures.

"I was lucky enough for my mother to bring me back to my senses, and back home." Trollex said with a sad smile. Looking back at that time, when his mother cried and held him so tightly after he had came back. She didn't let go for a long time, and apologized so much, it was obvious she didn't want to lose him again. But back then, Trollex felt nothing but shame, for not saving his father.

It was quiet between them, and eventually Trollex helped Branch get back to the village. It took a while, but they made it safely and luckily when it was still daylight. Branch left the water first, his air bubble popping upon exiting the water. Trollex followed, a distant look on his face, his mind full of thoughts of the past.

He was brought out of it though when a sudden force hit him, and the warmth of arms were wrapped around him. Branch was hugging him, and Trollex could feel a few tears fall from his face. The Techno King panicked a little, asked what was wrong and such, but Branch didn't respond, he just kept hugging him.

After a short while, Trollex returned the hug, "You went through so much, and yet you still came out so perfect." Branch mumbled, Trollex felt his face warm up, though he was kinda unsure how to take the compliment. So he just stayed silent, letting the hug continue as long as Branch wanted it to.

Branch thanked him for sharing his story, Trollex smiled, "You we're curious, and I've mostly gotten over all that, so I don't mind sharing it." He said, Branch smiling back. "Now, I think we've got some work that needs to be done." Trollex said as he looked past Branch at the glitter covered village. Branch Followed his gaze, only to groan loudly upon seeing the mess that happened while they were away.

(If you have any ideas or suggestions you wish to share for what should be written next, please feel free to share!

There is no room for hate here, your comment will be deleted if you bother to go out of your way to be hurtful.)

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