Chapter 7: Verzeihung

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(This one is of the first Snippet I made in the original story, the First one at the end of the chapter about DJ and Trollex. I'll be putting it here so you won't have to go back and look for it if you choose to do so. Though, keep in mind, I did add on and alter it.

Some will say that DJ was out of character, but guess what, my stories took a different path from the one of the movie.

This is technically a different universe because of that, so some character changes are expected. That, and I do not know how DJ generally acts, I've only seen her a small amount of time from the first movie and I've never watch the show that came after.

So please, cut me some slack. I don't know her, so I wrote her as this joking, kinda jealous, character who is still decent and nice. If she's happy go lucky, well she won't be immediately in this story, so sorry about that.)
"Sorry, but I'm the better DJ here." DJ said to Trollex smugly, It looked like she was nervous, but her tone didn't match at all. Though Trollex could understand why, the two had their DJ booths set up next to each other. After a long pause, Trollex took deep breathe, calming himself, he said a simple, "Ok." before removing his DJ booth.

Trollex was not about to get angry over something like this. All the different types of Trolls had recently got together again and Trollex didn't want to start a fight with anyone, everything is too fragile right now.

It's clear that DJ didn't want anyone else doing her favorite job in her own home, and Trollex will respect that. Trollex himself wouldn't be too happy if someone came to his home and started being the DJ there, so it's only understandable.

After putting everything away, Trollex decided to make sure the Techno Trolls we're enjoying themselves while DJ started playing music. As Trollex wandered around, he was glad to find that pretty much everyone was enjoying themselves. But this didn't last long.

A group of Techno Trolls, four of them, 'walked' over to Trollex, all looked either angry or sad in a desperate way. "King Trollex! Why aren't you playing any music?!" One asked, rather loudly.

"All the other Tribes got to play their music, why can't Techno music be played?" Another asked, they all started talking over one another, all wondering why Trollex wasn't playing their music. It took Trollex quiet some time to quiet them all down.

"Listen, I know you're all upset, but there is already a DJ here. I'm not going to try and take away their place, and starting a fight won't do anyone any good." Trollex explained, but this only got the Techno Trolls more furious. Techno Trolls don't get angry easily, but this is a kinda touchy subject. They may not get angry easily, unless under certain circumstances, but they love their music.

DJ, From up at her DJ Booth, was observing the whole thing. She couldn't hear anything of what they were saying, but she could see that the Techno Trolls were angry and that Trollex was trying his best to calm them down and come up with a solution to whatever they're angry about. She was able to hear bits and pieces, enough to understand that they weren't happy about there being no techno music, she guesses after all.

This made her feel guilty as she continued to watch the Techno King do his best to make them happy again. Said king wasn't sure himself how to fix this situation, he couldn't go up to DJ and just ask her if he could play, it was already clear that she was the one who wanted to play, and he accepts that, it's her home after all. Even if the Techno Trolls recently moved into the Lagoon.

After finally calming the angry techno trolls down enough to speak, Trollex proposed a solution, "How about, if you really want me to play Techno Music, we go to Techno Reef tonight and I'll play for you there?" Their previous home was destroyed beyond repair, but it could always handle the raves, even when destroyed. Though Trollex honestly has no idea how.

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