Chapter 5: Vertrauen

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(Trollex and Hickory, the Techno Bean and Yodeler having a 'Talk.' Another kinda short one.)
     "I see," Trollex began, Hickory and Dickory had just finished explaining what happened with Hockey's betrayal that Trollex missed. Said Techno Troll wasn't happy to hear this, his trust in Hickory vanishing, mostly. Trollex continued, "you were playing us back then. You and Dickory were known as the bounty hunters, the Yodelers. Am I Right?" Trollex asked, getting a sad nod from Hickory.

     Trollex sighed, bringing his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I am so sorry, I hope you can forgive me." Hickory said, his German accent being clear as day. Trollex took and deep breathe, straightened up and looked at Hickory and Dickory with his 'Leadership Eyes' or his eyes that tell you that you're about to have a pretty mature talk.

     Hickory somewhat shrunk from that look, looking nervous while Dickory had his arms crossed and was avoiding eye contact. Trollex's leadership and mother mode sometimes go hand in hand, mainly because he said, "Dickory, look at me." In a stern manner much like how a percent would say to a child who was trying to lie.

     Trollex sighed, his posture slightly loosening from Hickory's and Dickory's expression, when the latter finally looked at him that is. It's clear they both feel guilt for what they did, and most have already forgiven them in full. But Trollex is aware that Trust like that, especially after being broken, needs to be earned back. And it'll take more than an apology to earn it back completely.

     "I know you both feel guilty for what you did, and one of you tried to stop before Poppy was taken. But I need you to listen to me closely when I say this," Trollex started, his expression started out being calm and gentle, so that the two wouldn't feel threatened. But his tone changed to calm yet stern for what he said next, "trust is important. Many have already forgiven you and trust you once again, but it'll take more than an apology to get me to trust you again like that. It must be earned." Trollex finished, making sure to get his point across.

     Trollex isn't new to this kind of thing, he knows that everyone must serve some kind of price for a bad deed like betrayal. If nothing happens, they never learn completely. The only other Troll that Trollex can think of that still doesn't trust Hickory and Dickory is Branch.

     "Now, I do forgive you for what you did." Trollex said with a soft smile, his tone and appearance turning back to less stern and assertive way. "Just understand that my trust is what you need to work on erring back, not my forgiveness." He finished. Though, when it didn't look like they were fully on par with him, his tone switch back to the Slightly angry mother, "Do you understand?" He asked, his eyes narrowing.

     Trollex relaxed when he got quick nods from the two trolls in front of him, the Techno DJ smiled. The three stayed for a while longer to discuss how trust is properly and truly earned, since apparently, Dickory had no idea and Hickory was spouting questions.

     In the end, the two yodelers ran off to do something else. Trollex turned to go check on the Techno Tolls, but was shortly cut off by Poppy. She had seen a lot of what happened, apparently, and didn't seem to understand. To which Trollex was both unsurprised and kinda worried about.

     "Was that really necessary?" Poppy ask, generally concerned and nervous. Trollex sighed, he doesn't like getting stern and assertive over others, but sometimes they don't listen otherwise. That and Trollex is an emotional Troll, even when he tries not to be. He's just glad he can be mostly successful.

     "You already forgave them fully and trusts them completely again, if there is no consequence for breaking trust like that, they'll never learn. Or they won't learn completely." Trollex explained, getting a both confused yet realization kind of look from Poppy. It was honestly pretty weird.

     Poppy suddenly laughed and patted Trollex on the back, kinda hard too. "Who knew you could be like that?! I mean, all scary looking yet Change so fast to gentle and it's just-" Trollex started to not listen as Poppy rambled on about the fact that Trollex pulled a Switcheroo with appearance and tone on the Yodelers.

     After finally convincing Poppy that Trollex needed to go check on the Techno Trolls, the Techno DJ went off to do just that. Hickory was watching as he did, or tried to, he understands that it'll take a while to gain Trollex's trust back. But he misses when the Blue Bean trusted him enough not to attack him when stopped Trollex from clawing Chaz's eyes out.

     Trollex was much the same way, he misses having that short trust they had. He hates having to pull a card like that, but you have to deal with the consequences. Trollex just has that parental/Leadership instinct to be like that, look over and care for the ones he loves, but also make sure that others understand that there is a lesson be learned when you make a really bad decision.

     With a heavy sigh, Trollex made his way to his new home in the lagoon. He swam in front of the mirror that was placed close to his clam bed, placing a hand over the scar over his techno heart, remembering the worst time he was betrayed.

     Trollex quickly pushed that memory away though, the betrayal with Hickory wasn't as bad, not by a long shot. The Techno King wasn't even there to witness it, he guesses betrayals just rub him in a way that bugs him more than it should.

(There is no room for hate here, your comment will be deleted if you bother to go out of your way to be hurtful.)

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