Chapter 2: Schamhaar

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(It's not Part two of Nachher, but a chapter about of the idea I had where Trollex's hair is tight braids, and when they are undone, his hair is long and fluffy and kinda falls over his face a little)
Trollex always hated having his hair undone, since it didn't stick straight up like a lot of other Trolls, it was long, fluffy, and a hassle to deal with. So Trollex always made sure his hair was in tight braids, it gave off the illusion that he had only a few hair strands, and Trollex liked it like that.

The only real problem were the beads he wore to keep them upright, he found out early one that removing the beads causes his braids to come undone. When that happens, he has to spend another three hours just getting them back into braids. That and avoid everyone so he isn't seen, he knows from his own mother how adorable he apparently looks when his braids are undone.

Though he hadn't needed to worry about this for a long time, since no one had found out in a long time and Trollex had practically become a master at making sure no one removes his beads that keep his braids together, somehow. But there will always be that one day that something goes wrong, and today was one of those days.

Trollex was in a meeting with the other leaders, though they were talking about things that didn't really include Trollex, since he was doing what he was supposed to do in the first place. Not that everyone else wasn't, they just had problems that made things difficult for them. At least that's what Trollex hopes, because he honestly can't listen to multiple trolls talking at once.

Queen Barb's little temper tantrum was uncalled for though, she threw her guitar, Trollex wasn't sure why she brought it to the meeting, in a random direction that just so happens to be where Trollex is. The Techno DJ ducked to avoid it, but the tip of the guitar managed to grab his beads and yank them off, luckily not breaking them.

There was an explosion of neon green glowing hair, to put it simply. Trollex's hair isn't unbelievably long, but it does go all the way down his back. Said Troll couldn't even see anything but green, but being able to see was even on his mind. Instead, he was internally panicking at the fact that he was found out.

Trollex doesn't like huge amounts of attention, and he knows that's exactly what his hair brings when they're not braided. In a panic, right as Poppy was saying his name, Trollex moved his hair of his face, so he could see, and flew off with his techno Speed.

Trollex was embarrassed, very embarrassed. He was also mad, but it was practically drowned out from embarrassment. He made it to a place where he knew he would be left alone, hopefully. He sat on a flat rock that was next to a small river, behind him where thick trees, it's like a little hideaway spot for him.

Back with the other leaders, everyone was silent. It happened so fast that no one really knew what to think or do, all except Queen Essence. She had a hunch as to what happened and how to fix it, since it's obvious that they need to go get Trollex.

"I'll go talk to him. Queen Barb, I advise you to start thinking about what you will say to Trollex when apologizing." Essence said with a stern voice, Barb tried to say something but didn't really know what to say. So Essence grabbed Trollex's beads that were left behind, then left to go find the techno king.

Trollex was trying to braid his hair again, but was getting nowhere since he forgot his beads. So after a good fifteen minutes, Trollex gave up and just started playing with his hair. At least he had something to entertain himself with in this situation.

"Trollex?" Queen Essence called out, Trollex turned around in time to see the Funk Queen come through the trees and find him. They made eye contact, but only for a second or two before Trollex looked away, shy and embarrassed to have someone see him like this.

Essence hummed with a soft smile, walking over to Trollex and sitting next to him. "I bet it's hard to keep that hair under control in times like these." She said, "Here, I believe you would want this back." She added, handing over Trollex's beads.

Trollex thanked her and took them, looking at the beads for a moment before getting to work on braiding his hair again. "How long does it take to get your hair fully braided?" Queen Essence asked, Trollex paused and looked at her for a few seconds.

He was glad that she seemed alright about all this and wasn't gushing over him 'looking adorable' like others tend to do, so he smiled and continued to braid him hair before answering. "It takes a few hours, but it's worth it." He answered, gaining a hum from Queen Essence.

The two continued to talk while Trollex work on his hair, Essence explained how difficult it can be to get own hair to behave and into the style she likes. Before any of this, Trollex didn't really know any of the other leaders very well, he is the one who is often forgotten about after all. So it's nice to get to know someone as kind as Queen Essence some more, since last time they somewhat probably talked was back in Bob City(I know it's supposed to be Vibe City, but I like Bob City better).

After Trollex for finished braiding his hair, which went by faster With help from Queen Essence, they decided to go back so thay can finish the meeting.

Right before they entered the room though, Trollex heard Essence say, "You really are adorable with you hair undone." Which caused Trollex to groan in frustration, Essence lightly laughed at the response.

(If you have any ideas, ideas that still connect to the story, then please feel free to share!

Not all of these chapters will be connected to each other, I will try my best to call out when a chapter isn't connected to another, but all will be connected with the original story I had written before.

There is no room for hate here, your comment will be deleted if you bother to go out of your way to be hurtful.)

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