Chapter 3: Nachher Part 2

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(This is Part two of Nachher.)
     Arriving at the After Party was honestly a little strange, the Techno Trolls were surprised with a lagoon that would be a new home for them. Though that is only if they choose to stay, and Trollex was going to let them decide, it's their choice after all.

     The lagoon was nice and big, it could definitely house all the Techno Trolls. The Pop Trolls were even nice enough to attempt to make houses for them, though they weren't ideal and would need to be changed. Trollex could tell that the Techno Trolls were enjoying themselves, from both the new home and rivers they can explore to different areas without risk of harm, hopefully.

     Trollex and BDB had explored enough, so Trollex left BDB with the Techno Trolls so he can go alert Trollex if something goes wrong while the Techno King is with the other leaders. Speaking of other leaders, Trollex probably should have been more prepared for Poppy's excitement and fast questioning.

     Granted, it was easy to answer most of her questions, they just went by so fast that it was hard to keep up. But overall, everything seemed to be going great. All the different types of music had been played, except Techno but that doesn't really bother Trollex, and everyone was having fun.

     Trollex was with the other leaders, until Queen Barb came around, the Techno King wasn't comfortable being around her just yet, and for good reasons. He was honestly startled when he heard the Queen of Rock shout, "Rock has arrived! Now we can get this party really started!"

     Luckily, Trollex was able to excuse himself shortly after that, claiming he should check up on the Techno Trolls. Though, just as he was turning to leave, Poppy stopped him. "Trollex! I forgot to mention, and I hadn't made any cards, but you and all the other leaders are invited to my sleepover!" Poppy said with excitement, Trollex was much less so.

     Spending the night with leader he barley knew, except for Trollzart and Poppy, was an uncomfortable idea for him. But as Trollex looked at all the other leaders, they were fine with it and had already agreed while he had an internal conflict over this. But, with a heavy sigh, he agreed to attend the sleepover.

     Poppy made sure to tell him when and where to go, and with that, Trollex booked it out of there because Barb was staring at him and could barely handle that. He knows avoiding her isn't the best thing to do, but he still has to sort through his nightmares and more before he thinks he can handle even talking to Queen Barb again.

     That and he's worried about being woken up when they actually sleep at the sleepover, because if any of them move on there sleep and wake him up, he's worried he'll do something stupid and accidentally claw someone's eyes out in his sleepy rage. Trollex shivered at the thought, that wouldn't help with how fragile the new connections between music is.

     Back in the lagoon, Trollex was much more comfortable. So that's where he spent the rest of his time, a few other trolls and the leaders,except Barb thankfully, had dropped by to talk or simply say hello. Trollex was simply glad that everyone seemed to be getting along.

     Unfortunately though, time had other plans, the party was over due to the night approaching. The Techno Trolls would have stayed in the lagoon for the night, but the houses aren't strong enough to be safe for a whole night yet. There are more stronger and safer places to sleep back at Techno Reef, despite it being mostly destroyed.

     So Trollex lead all of the Techno Trolls back to Techno Reef so they can have a safe place to sleep, safer than the homes at the lagoon but still not really preferred. Once the DJ made sure everyone was within safe places to rest, he and BDB headed to where said button would be sleeping for the night.

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