Chapter 6: Lampenfieber

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(Trollex's Singing, finally. This is happens after the snippets, so go read those first if you haven't, though I doubt you'll really need to.)
     Trollex was talking with Trollzart, the only other leader that he feels he knows the best. Trollzart knows of Trollex's situation with his singing, but he honestly doesn't see it as a problem.

     The two of them were up where Symphonyvill had moved, the Classical Troll's home was treated much like how the Techno Troll's home was treated. Though, instead of making something entirely new, it was moved and remade in a better way. It was definitely much more spacious, but the bets feature that was added were the new ways given to trolls who did not have the ability to fly.

     Now, Trollex can sing different types of music, just like his mother. But Trollex is really shy about singing anything that isn't Techno in front of others, especially all by himself. Trollex doesn't even like being the DJ for a party with so many different trolls, it's almost like stage fright. He's fine with the Techno Trolls, he knows them well and considers them family, but with other trolls, he hasn't gotten to know hardly any of them to be comfortable.

     "Trollex, my friend, why not we try something to get your courage up?" Trollzart asked, Trollex looked nervous and hesitant, mainly because he was. Granted, Trollex has given no context as to what that means, so it only makes sense that he would be nervous, that and it involves his fears.

     "What would we try?" Trollex decided to ask, he didn't want to jump into something when he had no idea what we was getting himself into. Especially since that went so poorly last time when Barb has her world tour.

     "I've wanted to try having some vocals with my classical music, to try something new. Why not you sing?" Trollzart said, his tone excited, yet still in a way that was meant to keep Trollex calm.

     Trollex thought about it, he could try as long as there's a small amount of trolls there to play. But there's still a chance that he could mess up and get too embarrassed to continue. Trollex decided he would risk pushing the subject further, "How many other Trolls will be there?" He asked, Trollzart is his friend and he doesn't want to just shoot down something Trollzart's been wanting to do.

     Trollzart explained that there will be around five or so classical trolls with them, Trollex believes he can handle that. Trollzart also explained that he knew a smaller number of trolls would work better, since he didn't want to overwhelm Trollex.

     "Alright, I'll try." Trollex said with a small sigh, Trollzart thanked him multiple times after that. Trollex was simply glad he could make his friend happy, he'd rather put his friends happiness over his fears. Trollzart explained to Trollex that he would gather the trolls for it and they would meet up tomorrow.

     After that, the two went their separate ways, Trollzart to go find the trolls he thinks are best for not overwhelming Trollex but still very skilled with their instruments, and Trollex going back to the lagoon to tell BDB everything that just happened. Said button was a little worried, he hadn't even heard Trollex sing different types of music for a long time since Trollex generally doesn't do it often in places where he can be easily seen.

     "Are you sure you'll be alright man? You won't freeze or anything?" BDB asked, Trollex laughed at that, he's not someone who freeze for long periods of time when scared. Sure he'll go still for a few seconds, but if he ever did that back in the days in Techno Reef, he wouldn't be here today.

     "I won't freeze, but I might run away by accident. I'll try my best though." Trollex told his best friend, BDB smiled and was glad that Trollex would actually try to get more used to singing like that in front of others. BDB practically feels like a proud big brother, which makes sense since Trollex is technically younger than the button.

     They had a kind of awkward silence after that for a few seconds, BDB's gaze slowly went to Trollex's Techno Heart, he eyed the scar that went down it. The button always hated that scar, mainly because of who put it there and how, BDB would never forgive Trollex's father for doing such a thing. "Are you sure you can handle this? You don't want it and up like last time, right?" BDB asked.

     Trollex was taken back, surprised to hear BDB mention that. Yes, Trollex's father didn't react well to the discovery, but he highly doubts it would go anything like how that day went. "Little Buddy, it'll be alright. I won't get hurt this time, nor will I let anyone do that to me again, alright?" Trollex asked, getting a sad and hesitant nod.

     Trollex Hates when things like this happened, bringing up memories and actions from the past have left scar, weather it's physical or mental or both. It's always just uncomfortable and sad. Trollex have BDB a much deserving hug, gaining to small smile from the button.

     "You can come with me, if you want to." Trollex said, getting an urgent nod as a response. Trollex honestly prefers BDB being there a lot more than he probably should. Trollex pulled away from the hug and looked at BDB with a smile, "Now, I believe we have work to do." Trollex said, reminding BDB that they still need to go and assist the Techno Troll whose wall is almost gone.

(There is no room for hate here, your comment will be deleted if you bother to go out of your way to be hurtful.)

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