Chapter 8: Höhle

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(This was on my list of Ideas, and I was in the mood to write it.)
     Trollex was in a situation much different than what he had grown accustomed to over the past few months, all the trolls had United and everything was great, in a way. But the Techno King swore that there was something telling him that something was off, like a gut feeling.

     Yes, the Techno DJ would normally feel uncomfortable and nervous when someone acted or took on strange behaviors, ones different from how they normally acted. But that was normal, this was different since he hadn't even seen anyone acting differently than they normally do. Trollex decided he would ignore it for the time being.

     Trollex and BDB had been going around, helping some of the young trolls with learning to play instruments. They were interested and the Techno King saw no problem in helping learn to play an instrument, or all of them learning since Trollex only knows how to play a small handful of instruments.

     Though, at one point, Trollex had noticed that one of the young Pop trolls had wandered off. He was unsurprisingly worried, it was his responsibility to watch over them. Trollex, after making sure BDB would watch the kids and could actually handle them, went to go find the young one.

     Luckily, it didn't take a long time to find her. Trollex could hear her loud laughter from a mile away, but it worrying at just how loud it was. Trollex followed her voice out of the village and into the quite unsafe forest. Trollex would be worried that the young pop troll was hurt, but he wasn't that worried due to the laughter.

     When he finally saw her, he got much more worried again. She was kinda deep in a cave of some sorts, her laughter echoing off he walls and making her louder, that apparently amusing her. Her laughter momentarily stopped when she noticed Trollex making his way over to her, "Trollex!" She cheered before laughing again.

     "Hey there, you wandered off really far." He said, masking his nervous the best he could. Her laughter was causing some unstable rocks to wobble a little and that was worrying. "Come one, lets get back to the others. Your friends are getting lonely without you there." Trollex said softly, trying not to disturb the rocks.

     The young pop troll made grabby hands at Trollex, meaning she wanted to be picked up. With a soft sigh, Trollex did just that. Unfortunately, he wasn't expecting her to yelling happily after being picked up. The loud rumbling that followed was equally just as surprising, though it brought much more fear. The young one went quiet from the loud rumbling, but it didn't stop, Trollex looked with horror as the unsteady rocks began to fall.

     Trollex turned and flew as fast as he could, even using his techno speed, to get out of the cave. Unfortunately, a well timed shake had caused a big boulder to fall and land right on top of Trollex's tail. The abrupt stop made Trollex let go of the young Pop troll be accident, causing her to fly threw the air. Luckily, she landed outside the cave, she shakily got up and looked at Trollex with fear.

     The poor troll was in tears, "Hey, it'll be okay. Go back to the village for me, alright?" Trollex asked, his voice slightly raised so she could hear. The young pop troll shakily nodded before turning and running back to the village. Trollex was glad she turned when she did, because it wasn't long after that the opening to the cave was closed off with a mountain of rocks. The sound of it was deafening, but Trollex's mind was too distracted by the pain in his tail to fear the sound.

     With that, Trollex finally allowed himself to express his pain. He groaned and turned as best he could to try and roll the boulder off him, so far he wasn't having any luck. Though, Trollex wasn't just going to give up there, so he continued to go through the pain as he did everything he could think of to free himself.

     Meanwhile, the young Pop troll had made it back to the village. She ran in crying and yelling for help, gaining the attention of many other trolls. When someone finally asked what was wrong, she said, "It's King Trollex! We were in a cave and something happened and now he's stuck!" She quickly explained.

     BDB, having heard This from afar, immediately rushed over to the young troll. Many of the Techno trolls did as well. "Where is he?" The Button asked, the young pop troll did her best to show them the way, but she wasn't fully sure where to go.

     After going back to the village and informing the other leaders, the leaders themselves decided they would go look for him. BDB and the Young Pop Troll came with them too of course. Poppy and Trollzart where the most worried, The latter being worried that the worst of the worst could happened they don't find Trollex soon.

     Several hours passed, Trollex had long since ran out of ideas to free himself. All the work he put in to try and get the boulder off of him had failed and tired him out. So he simply laid there, exhausted but unable to fully rest due to the pain. Trollex wasn't even sure he'd be able to move around that much after he gets free, though he was starting to rephrase that to IF he gets free.

     "There! There! This was it! I Rocks weren't there before, but this is it!" A high pitched voice yelled. Trollex knew that voice, it was the young pop troll. He was getting so tired that he could almost sleep through the pain, but that voice woke him back up a little. The cave was really dark, the only light source being himself for a long time, but that changed as the rocks blocking the entrance to the cave were starting to be removed.

     The light was practically blinding, forcing Trollex to close his eyes. "Trollex!" He heard some trolls voices cry out. He recognized them too, the young Pop troll, Poppy, Trollzart, and...Barb? He opened his eyes to see if his hearing was playing tricks on him, but Barb's face said everything he needed to know. She looked shocked with a small hint of worry, Poppy and Trollzart looked much more worried and shocked and in fear though.

     "Trollex!" Another yelled, they rushed over to Trollex and the Techno king was able to see that it was his best friend, BDB. Trollex couldn't help but smile, he doesn't know how long he was stuck in the cave, but it was long enough to miss his family with a deep passion.

     BDB kept Trollex awake while everyone else, except the young pop troll, worked together to remove the boulder from Trollex's tail. Once they were able to lift it just enough for Trollex to move himself out, needing BDB and the young one's help, the techno king, feeling a new pain that was far to much for him handle, finally passed out.

     After getting Trollex back to the village, it was clear he wouldn't be able to use his tail for quite a while. But he gained a new form of respect for putting the safety of a young Pop troll first. Though, to Trollex, who wouldn't do that?

     It took Trollex many months before he would probably use his tail again.

(I forgot to say this in previous chapters, but if you have any ideas or suggestions you wish to share for what should be written next, please feel free to share!

There is no room for hate here, your comment will be deleted if you bother to go out of your way to be hurtful.)

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