Chapter 8 : Money In My Bank

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Excel looked outside the window. The birds were chirping and the neighbours were about to go for a morning walk. Avav( If you forgot, Excel's real name) went to his PC and converted 100,000 gold in 500,000 dollars.

But, due to 15% interest of the trading site. He only got 470,000 dollars.

"Damn tax. I lost 30,000 dollars."

Avav quickly went downstairs. His father was doing yoga and his mother was still asleep.

Excel sat on a couch in front of his father's yoga mat. He showed his father his bank balance.

"Father, look I have 470,000 dollars."

At first his father ignored his statement. But, he finally looked at it after Avav shoved the phone to his face.

"Huh! Son, where did you get that much money ?"
"From the game."
"Don't bluff. "

Avav later told his father the story how he received a legendary class, his first raid, how he saved Foture and the reward.

Avav's father was bewildered. His son made the money which he could never even imagine. Avav's family was a typical middle class family. Having so much money in their account is just a dream that they don't want.

Avav's parents only want him to earn money and be successful in life. And now Avav took the first step. Avav's father agreed to let him play for more hours but he still had to finish his 4 years of college.

Avav's mother finally woke up. Avav and his father were just laughing silently at her. But deep inside his father was happy. Avav went to YouThoob to enjoy some Dunvir content.

Dunvir was popular all over the world. There were about a millions of Leveling guide but all of them were fake. Who in the right mind would share it? Excel switched onto news channels.

A channel was showing a player named Rook. He got the fifth epic class Atomic Bladder. But most of the interview was his arrogance. Avav's father had already chose Avav's college. It was going to start in just a few days. But it was near his town.

Avav after breakfast went to the supermarket to buy a new gaming laptop and a better router. He also bought a better and comfortable controller.

He sold his old controller for about a 1000 dollars. He also changed his room a bit. It was already afternoon. His room was cleaner than ever.

Later, after having his lunch he logged into his new Controller.

[Iris Scan Complete]
[Account Already Exits]
[Welcome Back Excel]

Excel closed his eyes and the next second he was in a tavern in Foture. Pagos was waiting for him.

"Welcome back Master"
"Hey. Pagos. Today we will go to Dark Viel Forest"

Excel and Pagos were ready to leave. An old man named Khan came to them to bade goodbye. Khan played an important role in the town. He was the only person who openly opposed the company. He was one of the best blacksmith in the country.

"Old man Khan"
"I would like say thanks."
"There is no need. But instead"

Excel gave his serpent drops to Khan. Khan looking at them knew what to do. Without wasting anytime he went to his smithy.

"Such a nice guy."

Excel and Pagos entered the forest. Only after walking a few minutes the jackets appeared.

"Hey boss. Isn't he the one who escaped."
"Yeah. This time he bought a companion."

Excel looked up.

[All your stats have decreased by 31%]

The faces of the jackets soon distorted.

"What the hell is this debuff ?"

"Dragon's Wrath"

Excel released a huge shock wave killing all of the Jackets.

[You have killed 20 player. Your nametag will temporarily be red]

Whenever a player Pks. His name become red. That player isn't able to enter towns for a while.

Excel and Pagos moved forward. But after walking for hours. They were tired. Excel and Pagos sat down to recover some stamina.

Arnus Headquarters

"So, how is our dragon doing?"
"He is currently looking for Trauka. with the Growth NPC Pagos."

Hoh! Out of the 100,000 Growth NPC. There were 100 Growth NPC who are referred a Supervisor NPC. And Pagos was one of them. He had powerful magic and one of the best business mind in all of Dunvir.

"So, how is his search going?"
"It looks like he still hasn't figured it out. No wait...."

Dark Viel Forest

Excel suddenly remembered something. Whenever he used Dragon's Aura. His whole view changes. His enemies become red in color and allies blue.

"Dragon's Aura"

Excel looked around until he saw a small amount of blue in his black and white view. He quickly started running. But it was difficult for Pagos to keep up due to the buff.

They finally found it. As they were crossing the cave Excel saw the blue light becoming larger. They finally made it. Excel was happy that he found the cave but his face soon distorted.

[You have 5 seconds to find Trauka's Treasure.]

Excel quickly ran towards the blue light. He quickly touched what it seemed to be a chest. He opened the chest to find two things. A red spirit and an egg.

The red spirit entered Excel.

[Congratulations, you have found Trauka's Soul]
[All your skills will be of fire element]
[You have Learned the skill Dragon Eruption]
[You have learned the skill Elemental Charge]

[Congratulations You have completed] the First class quest]
[You have obtained 3,000,000 EXP]
[Your level has Risen]

Excel also picked the egg.

[You have obtained a Dragon's Egg]
[Find a dragon incubator yo hatch it.]

[Third Class Quest Hint : Find The Dragon Map]

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