Chapter 19

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"Huh! What? " shouted Marrie
" What happened?" Greg shouted back.
"It's Excel"
"What happened to him ?"
"He became level 1"
"Huh" shouted the whole tavern filled with Mesaik Guild members


'Fck. Fck. Fck. That damn Laxus. What the fuck?' thought Avav while thumping the ground cause he couldn't curse in front of his parents

"Why! I don't get it. Those damned dragons."

' I will take my revenge you fucker' thought Avav covering his one eye.

Avav's father came in his room"Huh. Son, you are awake early"

"Yeah. Dad"

"Ok then. Go and get fresh."


Avav's father leaves the room.

24 hours later (Real Time)

Excel opened his eyes. He saw a ceiling in front of his eyes.

' where am I ? Pagos?'

"Oh. You are awake." said the twin with a ponytail

"Uh. Yes. But, where am I ?" says Excel still confused

"You are in Tserek Village"

"Teserek Village?"

" Yes. My name is Eva and my sister is Emma. We took care of you"

"Thank you" says Excel patting her head.

" Your welcome. Father Laxus is waiting for you"

" Oh. I will be out in a minute"

Eva leaves the room. Excel sits on the bed and hunches down.

' Laxus. I will fucking kill you ' thinks Excel clenching his hand.


"Is someone thinking about me?"

"Father. Are you okay?" asks Emma.

" I am fine." scratching his nose.


Excel opened his inventory. His Xiphos and armor were missing.

' That bastard Laxus. Even took my items '

Excel came out of the house. To his left was Eva standing near the wall waiting for Excel.

They start moving. But, something was weird. There were no people in the village. But, still the houses were clean like someone was living there and left minutes ago.

The village ended entering a forest. As Excel went deeper into the forest he started hearing the sound of a waterfall. As he walked the sound kept increasing.

Excel crossed a few trees and saw him. His current ARC NEMESIS, LAXUS.

"Oh. You are alive." said Laxus casually

"You bastard. Who's the one who killed me ?" Shouted Excel.

" I guess. I was the one." answered Laxus still being casual.

" Where the hell am I ?"

" Didn't Eva tell you. Tserek Village."

" Why the hell am I here ?"

" You remember that bastard?" Asked Laxus suddenly turning serious.

" Yeah. That 'bastard' made me so strong"

" He would have tried to manipulate you. His power is too much for a human body to handle. "

"What happened to him?" asked Excel after finally calming down.

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