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"Damn. Park Jimin, you hot fucker."

Hoseok stands in the doorway of their house making goggly eyes at the violet-haired man who would have been a Junior at Seoul University had he stayed in his communications program. Jimin twirls once, twice. He finds himself growing self-conscious on the second twirl and folds his hands across his chest worriedly.

"Is it too much?"

Jimin pulls his lower lip into his mouth, staring down at the choice of attire for his shift tonight. Instead of wearing his usual bartending pants--which are plain and black and downright boring, Jimin is wearing his tightly-fitted black leather pants. The dress code for his work specifies black pants and a no-brand business casual shirt. Jimin knows his coworkers openly break those rules from time to time, but it's not like his boss pays enough attention to notice. He can definitely get away with wearing tight leather pants.

"It's so you! Why haven't you worn these pants to work before?" Hoseok lifts a brow. In his hand is a greenish, what-the-hell-kind-of-shit-is-mixed-in-there protein shake, as per usual following his nightly Pilates routine. "Oh wait, I know why you haven't. CUZ you're mad THICK Jimin. You're gonna get diabetes with that much CAKE."

"Ha-ha. Very funny." Jimin turns around to check that his ass is still prominent. It is, despite his lack of energy to get out to the gym with Hoseok. "But I should really exercise more. Remind me to come to Pilates with you next time."

"Sure! Thea would love you there." Hoseok nonchalantly refers to the foreign Pilates instructor that he's grown close to over the sessions. Jimin would normally shudder at the mention of the female species, but Hoseok mentions Thea so much that he's become numb to her name. "We should prolly get goin' thick stuff. Got your phone?"

"Yep." It's a bit difficult for Jimin to pull his phone from the tight-fitting back pocket, but he does. His lock screen is a picture of a drunken Hoseok mid dance-move, making a hilarious face while extending his arms. His phone is at...54%.

He frowns. Why did he expect to see 97% or 79%?

"Aite! Lez head out."

Hoseok opens the door for Jimin, leading them to the black Toyota Camry in the driveway. Since they live in a duplex, they have to share the driveway, but their neighbors are nice enough. Thankfully, the Lee Family is amicable, waving kindly to Jimin or Hoseok when they see each other in the driveway.

The Lee's have one son, a middle school boy who invites his friends over to play baseball at the park just down the street. Jimin doesn't mind them at all. He likes the quaint quality of the neighborhood, enjoys the friendly chants of the youngest Lee whenever his pals come over.

"...and then I said no way am I letting you steal my chem notes, Baekhyun. After that he left me alone for the most part. Did I do the right thing?"

Jimin side glances at Hoseok, mind completely elsewhere as his friend asks for advice. "Huh? Sorry, I wasn't listening."

Jimin forces himself not to rethink his pant situation as he gets into the shotgun seat of the Camry. They aren't that giveaway...some people just like to wear tight pants. That doesn't make him gay right away--no one could assume that. Right? Only Hoseok knows his secret--not even his parents--and he wants to keep it that way.

"Nevermind, it's not that important...you sure you're good, Jimin?" Hoseok pulls out of the driveway. Sometimes Hoseok offers to drop Jimin off at work since Jimin hates driving himself. Hoseok parks at the bar, sees Jimin off, goes to another local bar to dance and make a bunch of friends (he's a social butterfly) and then Jimin drives his drunken friend home. Hoseok's classes are all later in the day, so he gets a chance to sleep his hangover off. However, Hobi isn't one to sleep long, always tending to wake up with Jimin. "You aren't regretting the pants, are you?"

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