Pitting Ourselves Against the Formidable Forces of Nature

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Jimin lifts his fist to the door of the worn down home surprisingly close to Busan High. He taps a few times, shuffling his feet uncomfortably on the porch. The day is overcast, a blanket of clouds hanging low overhead. Almost a bad omen for Jimin, who's just trying to find answers on this person's front step. He waits and waits for someone to open the door, to peer through the window to get a good look at him. Is anyone home?

Judging by the length of the grass in the yard, no one has been home for quite some time. Jimin knocks again, harder, but no one answers. He sighs, turning to leave. He isn't going to wait outside and gain the suspicion of the neighbors around here. Who knows where Gyuri has her eyes. 

At the next address on Jinyoung's list, Jimin finds more luck. 

By the time he makes his way to the second floor of the apartment building, it has started to rain outside. The pitter patter of the sky crying follows him to the neat Welcome! mat placed crookedly by the door. With the toe of his Converse, he straightens the mat out. Takes a deep breath. And knocks. Please be home.

Seconds later, he's greeted by a tall male who can't be much older than himself. It takes a while for Jimin to recognize the guy as one of the stars of Busan High's soccer team. He was a few years older than Jimin in high school, but no student in that school didn't know who he was. Kim Mingyu. The handsome jock.

"Hi...? Uh, why are you here?" The male doesn't recognize Jimin, gazing at him in polite suspicion. Jimin realizes he's been staring for too long. 

"Ehm, um...I have a question for you...you were the star forward on the Busan High soccer team, right?" Jimin tries out a smile, hoping that this man doesn't slam the door in his face. 

Thankfully, the soccer player nods, leaning against the doorframe. "Are you from the press? What are you doing at my doorstep? They usually notify me before an interview."

Jimin scratches at his neck. "I'm not the press...and I'm not here for a soccer interview...um, I actually used to go to Busan School of Arts, and I'm now doing a project. I'm writing an article about a few alumni..." That sounds believable, right? "I hope you don't mind answering a few questions."

From inside the apartment, Jimin can hear a crash. Then, a muffled ow! Mingyu, who's at the door? Soon, another male shows up at the door, a bag of honey barbeque chips in his hand. "Oh, who do we have here!?"

The loudness of this second guy reminds Jimin awfully of Hoseok. The second guy is just as tall as Mingyu, with messy bed hair and a irritated look plastered on his features. He must have just woke up. Are they roommates? 

"I'm uh, just looking for info on alumni from Busan High. For my senior project--I found Mingyu's address in the old high school directory and figured he might still be here."

The roommate doesn't seem impressed, reaching into the chip bag and pulling out a handful of the fattening crisps. As his friend chews thoughtfully at Jimin, Mingyu crosses his arms. "Yep. I still live here...with this chip-eating pig."

"Hey!" The friend slaps the chip bag against Mingyu's arm. "I am not a pig. Soon, I will be assistant executive sales officer under President Yoon! You'll see, Gyu."

He gapes as the chip friend turns to leave. Woah, he works for Yoon--totally doesn't seem like the type! Does he know that Mingyu has been blackmailed by his boss's daughter?

"Wait! Uh, excuse me! You--ugh, whatever your name is, I'd like to ask you some questions too!"

The guy turns around, popping an eyebrow. He shoves another handful of chips into his mouth. "But you don't even know if I'm an alumni from Busan High School of the Arts."

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