Look at All Those Police! I Wonder if the President's in Town.

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"Has it been 24 hours yet?"


One hour later.

"How about now, has it been 24 hours?"

Jimin's mother shakes her head, freeing strands of dark hair from her low bun. She squeezes her son's hand in reproach, yet can't wipe the endearing smile off of her lips. Jimin's father sits passed out in a hospital chair next to her, his soft snores a calm conduit of his restful slumber.

"No, Jiminie. Not yet. You have your phone, why don't you just call him?" She glances at the dark black phone that lays across his lap. He's been swiping mindlessly through images of his boyfriend, heart aching to see the boy in the wheelchair. To apologize for bringing this upon him and his family.

"Because, you can't rush love." Jimin says, pouting at the lovely mother he grew up with...who was such a comfort when it came to telling his story about Yoon Gyuri.

He went through an entire box of tissues as he retold the story of the last four years to both of his parents, crying along with his mother as she shook her head angrily next to him. Jimin's father was irate at the fact that this girl had taken advantage of him for years.

'I can't believe it had to end like this.' His father said, the gravity of the situation erasing his normally aloof countenance in the blink of an eye. 'That monster--that excuse of a human being deserved to rot in prison...to pay for her wrongs. Death was too gentle a justice for her...I'm so sorry you had to suffer through that, Jimin...'

"You said it yourself, you can't rush love! So why do you keep asking me if it's been 24 hours? We both know it hasn't even been twelve yet." Jimin's mother thumbs over to her husband, whose snores are almost funny with how timed they are to Jimin's heart rate monitor. "And all of your asking bored your father to sleep."

"Sorrrryyyy...not sorry." Jimin plays with his mother's fingers, so glad to finally see her again. Ever since he left Busan for Seoul, he's been kind of neglectful in visiting his family...going back home always reminded him of Gyuri. He couldn't even look at his own bed without being disgusted in a far-off, post-abuse kind of way. But now that Gyuri's gone, he doesn't always have to look behind his back. 

Like a bird, he is now free. Getting through all the Pluto Rooms up until this point were worth it--every graphic, obstacle, tear, and stab. He can't help but feel like he finished a marathon, sitting in the hospital bed and staring at his parents. He not only told them about Gyuri, but came out officially, by telling them about Jungkook in full--about their close relationship. 

Neither of his parents were surprised. They always knew he wasn't entirely straight. His mother clapped for him, grinning warmly and asking all the quirky questions about Jungkook's personality, sun sign, favorite foods, looks, preferred weather, fashion taste, and rate of complimenting.

'Don't worry, Mom.' Jimin had told her after two hours of describing the boy and all of his unique idiosyncrasies. 'I think Jungkook compliments me too much. He's truly the sweetest boy...I think you'll love him and...well. I think he's the ONE.'

"Just so you know, Hon, we packed enough things to stay at your duplex for a week to be with you. Is that okay...? Otherwise, if Hoseok doesn't want us bombarding the duplex with unfunny jokes and strawberry cakes, we can always stay at a hotel-"

"No, Mom! Of course I want you to stay with me." Jimin giggles, feeling like a six year old boy all over again. The nights where him and his mother would play dress up--him dressed in feather-fluffy scarves and sparkly tiaras (his mother never denied his requests for the girlish clothing...she agreed with him that they made him look fab) where they would run around in their makeshift kingdoms, hosting tea parties with tiny ceramic glasses and cute-cut chocolate chip cookies. A deep guilt from avoiding his parents for the last few years eats at his chest, but seeing them clears it away. "Since you'll be over, can we host more tea parties like we used to?"

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