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"Because he was you, last year" Alyssa replied. That was the best way for her to explain why she felt the need to protect him. She felt a drawn to him the same way she felt drawn to Maggie.

"Oh" Maggie didn't know what to say. She didn't know why Alyssa had picked her but she was grateful for it.

"Yes oh. Now tell me what you found"

"You were right. There's a train that passes close by, at exactly 11.45pm, due east. I couldn't see much out the little window but from what I could tell, there's a river close by".

"I know" Alyssa sighed. She had thought of the river too, had felt that would be the best bet but now it'll have to be the train. "There's a map in Ivan's office, there's a small creek close by. We'll have to be quick but we'll use the train".

"But wouldn't the river be the best bet. It's closer and if you're worried about the kid, don't, I'll carry him if need be" she pleaded. She was so happy when Alyssa had told her about escaping and couldn't stand another moment of this hell.

"Yes it I the closest and they know it too. If they catch on to the fact that we've escaped that's where they'll go first. It's only logical for us to use the fastest way to get off this place" Maggie wanted to argue her point. They had an ironclad plan that they wouldn't figure out that they had escaped for about thirty minutes but, she trusts Alyssa and if she says the train is better, then the train it would be.

"Ok. Then when are we doing this" she looked at Alyssa but the other girl was staring at something else. She followed her eyesight to find the boy, Ryder. She would get time to talk to him, to get to know him and his story.

"We leave this weekend. During my fight, I want you to take him and move. Use the guards common room, it'll be empty since they will be needed on ground, at the end of the room is the elevator, do you remember the password".

"I remember"

"Good. When you guys get out, stay low and head east, close to the tracks, look for coverage and hide, wait for me but if I'm not there before the train comes" Alyssa pauses to look straight at Maggie, making sure she understands the message loud and clear, "if by some chance I don't meet up with you, you take Ryder and you get on that train. Do you understand me"

Maggie gulped. She nodded, she had to. She has never seen her like this and for a second got scared but she understood what Alyssa was saying. Get out no matter what.

Alyssa signaled for Ryder to come back to them and he rushed back as if he had been waiting ever since he left. She sighed, leaning her head back again, eyes closed as she thought back to the beginning. It was time and she was ready to go, to leave this place, this life behind.

Maggie stared at the room, at all the children held captive. Her heart was beating not out of fear but anxiety. This will work, she will be free. She didn't know what they would do once they got out but she will be free.


Tomorrow The Pit would be packed full with patrons, gearing up to see her fight and fight she will. Her last fight. She will make sure she gives them her last and forget about this place forever.

It was dinner time and as usual Ryder sat in a corner but Maggie now sat with him. She's been trying to get to know him and he seemed to be warming up to her. It was good because she'll need him to trust Maggie enough to follow her when the time comes.

She dropped her tray beside him and sat down. The other kids still looked at them and talked but the chatter has died down as it usually did when the new kids got accustomed to her.

"Ryder I need you to do something for me tomorrow" Alyssa began in a low voice. She had the attention of her table mates and this was the last meeting before they leave.

"Okay, what do you want"

"I need you to stick close to Maggie and follow her. Do everything she tells you to do and do it without any hesitation. Can you do that for me"?

"But why"?

She looked at Maggie then back at him "because she going to help me take you somewhere that you'll like but you can't say anything about it"

He looked down. He liked Alyssa, a lot and he also liked Maggie but he felt like they were doing something they shouldn't and if they were doing something they shouldn't in this place that meant they were trying to leave, to escape.

Whispering he said, "you're trying to escape aren't you"? Maggie gasped, shocked that he had figured it out but Alyssa just looked at him with a straight face.

"Yes" she answered "and I'm not leaving you behind. So are you going to do what she tells you"

"Yes. I can help too if you want" that got him a tiny smile from her. The first he had seen ever.

"I'll let you know then" she replied and the went back to eating silently. Well, almost silently, Maggie kept humming songs she knew under her breath.


Finally. This is one bargain that Ivan won't refuse. Clarence knew he had grown attached to the girl but Alyssa was getting too old, they were other captives that they could make like her and then they would make ten times what they are making now. The money would be good and he would be rid of the girl.

He knocked on Ivan's door and after receiving word, he went in. Ivan was looking at the new portfolio that Reggie, their scout that brings in new captives, had sent. They would get new recruits in a month time after selling the fighters that they had now. Business was good and it was about to be better.

"What can I for you Clarence"? Ivan was always straight to the point. No need for small talk.

"I found a buyer for Alyssa" Ivan looked up at him. He thought Clarence had forgotten about this issue but clearly he was mistaken. "Before you say anything, he willing to pay much more than we've spent on her including the experiments".

"How much are we talking about here"

"Two hundred and fifty dollars" this made Ivan's eyes widened. He whistled but was still hesitant. It feels like giving away his prize and he wasn't sure he wanted to let her go.

"Listen Ivan" he said when Ivan started shaking his head, "this girl has been with us way to long. She's got it into her head that she's special, talking back at us. She's training the children now and I know you approved it but what is the end goal here? will she transition into being a trainer? She's getting older now and sooner or later her popularity would go down. I think it's better if we cash out now".

Ivan could see where Clarence was coming from. The little chit is not so little anymore, infact, she'll be nineteen soon and it was better to cash out now, develop the lower ranks and get them in shape. Though he felt like no one would measure up to the feisty little chit.

Clarence knew he was winning him over, it was time to go in for the kill and seal this deal.

"And think about it, the money we get from this sale, we could invest some for other experiments on the other promising kids, those thirteens. I hear they've made improvements to it. So what do you say"?

"I say, you make a good point Clarence. When do we meet these buyer and when are we handing her over"?

"Tomorrow night, after The Pit" Clarence's replied smiling.

*Thanks for reading 😘
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