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Three years later

There was a knock on her door and then it opened just a bit.

"Are you almost ready? Lee said to ask if you want to go over the questions again" Daisy asked, peeking into the room at her big sister. It wasn't hard for her and Liam to take to Thea as their older sister. It was actually one of the easiest thing they've done so far.

She shook her head no, she was just a bit nervous. This was the next step, a crucial step and she didn't want to fail. She wouldn't fail. She had a nude coloured camisole and a black blazer on top with black dress pants and flat shoes. She didn't want to be too dressy but she didn't want to look unprofessional either.

"Are you nervous, do you think you'll stumble and fall, do you think you can drive yourself, are you going to throw up or are you ready to go"? Daisy asked in quick succession with hardly a breath in.

"Yes, Bubble, I'm ready" she replied a little amused and the girls antics. She could remember the day they had started calling her Bubble. On a rare free day, they had gone to the fair so Thea could experience it and Daisy was so excited. She could keep still and Liam had said, 'stop jumping up so much, if anything, Thea should be the one all bubbly, not you bubble' and it had stuck.

She took a deep breath and relaxed her tense muscles. It was just a job interview, she had faced worse. With that, she picked her bag and followed Daisy out of her room.

With the good bye said to her siblings, she got in her car and drove off as they also got on Daisy's car to get to school. This was Daisy's senior year in high school and she couldn't be more proud of her.

It had taken a lot of adjusting to everything, especially for Thea, when they had enrolled themselves in school, Thea took online classes to get her SATs. She learned quickly and had enrolled in a college that she had graduated from two months ago.

Daisy and Liam didn't have much problems. Daisy took to school too quick and from what Thea could tell was quiet popular. She had even gone on some dates that Thea had absolutely refused to at first but conceded but only if she took a gun, knife and made with her on her date.

Liam had few friends but Thea had only seen him with two and had even gone to their houses for dinner so she could meet their parents. They had discovered very quickly that Liam was a genius with technology. He could hack and build things that they've never even seen. He was like the little version of Tony Stark.

Thea laughed to herself as she drove, remembering their appalled faces when she didn't know anything about Marvel or the avengers. They had made her watch a different movie every night to make sure she was caught up with the pop culture.

Thea couldn't be more grateful for the second chance that she was given with both of them. They had quickly became the most important to her and never failed to tell them or show them.

All three of them had kept up with their trainings. Just because they hadn't seen anything from Ivan and his men didn't mean they could let their guard down. Not now, not ever, especially with what Liam had told them after her graduation dinner two months ago.


"I have something I'd like to talk to you guys about" he said as they got home from the celebratory dinner, effectively gety the attention of his older sisters. "I love this, our lives and how freeing it is but I can't stop thinking about our past, the underground"

Thea looked at him, he had grown in the three years that they've been together and knew he would be a good guy when he grew to be a man. She knew this was coming, she had been thinking about Ivan a lot too.

"Tell us what's on your mind Lee" Daisy replied. They all sat at the dinning table, looking at him.

"I just... We got this chance, we escaped and  I can't help but think about all those other kids down there. What happened to them due to our escape? Or, say nothing happens to them, what about other kids, like us who they would capture and suffer or sell" he stopped.

"What do you suggest we do then Liam. I can tell you've been thinking about this a lot" Thea said even if she knew what he wanted. She could tell by the firm determination in his eyes.

"I say we take them down and I know it won't be easy but we have to Thea, we have to" he said, his tone almost pleading. She thought about it. It would risk them, all of them but if they didn't try, they would always be looking over their backs for danger.

Yes their looks had changed a bit but she couldn't be too safe. She had to protect them even if it'll cost her her life. "Ok. Yea, I'm in. I think this is the only way we would be rid of the shadows of our past so yea. What do you think Daisy"? She asked, looking over to her.

"Of course I'm in. A chance to take down the source of my nightmares. Totally". And so it had been agreed. They had to plan.


And the plan had led her here, she thought as she parked outside, Wright inc.

It was a tech and weapons company owned by Adam Wright. He was in business with the government military but also some other agencies and independent firms. He started the company when he was twenty and had graduated from college. He had gotten the funding from his father, a shipping company mogul and Wright Inc was born.

He was now in his late twenties, a bachelor and a philanthropist. A billionaire in his own right, he didn't party or was a Playboy like every other billionaire his age but was very serious about his job and focused.

Liam had found a known associate of Ivan that wants to do business with Mr Wright and we saw that as our opening, especially when we saw an ad for a personal assistant position for him in the papers.

She breathed in and out. She had to get this job, it was important. They had to stop Ivan before he gets more and more children away from their homes, ruin their lives by selling them or making them into one of his fighters.

She got out and walked over to the building, she walked straight to the reception where a guy was speaking to another guy standing in front of the reception. With her advanced hearing, she knew he was a bodyguard and he was complaining about how the boss hates going out with them because they drew too much attention.

She smiled, getting an idea before schooling her features into the blank mask that she had perfected whilst captured. She learned that the interview was on the twentieth floor and got on the elevator.

She got off on the floor to a lobby and immediately could see a lot of  people. They all looked amazing, mostly ladies with a few guys and she got the feeling they were all her for the job. The same job that she came to apply for.

She started planning. The idea that formed in her head will have to come into play, it should work to her advantage. She had to beat everyone to get the job.

Soon, a man came in with a tablet and one by one, the applicants went in and came out, one by one the occupants of the lobby reduced until it was her turn.

"Thea Knox"? He called. She rose up and followed him. It was show time.

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