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"But that's impossible" agent Thompson whispered as she stared at Thea's unblinking eyes. Even as she attempted to deny it, she could see the truth for what it was.

They were all sitting. After Thea had told agent Thompson the truth about her, they had waited with bated breath on her reaction but she just looked stunned and moved to take her seat. Seeing that that was all she was going to do, they followed suit.

"I didn't tell anyone because I don't want anyone to look at me like a monster, or treat me different or lock me up or worse actually make me be what they wanted. Living the life I have lead is hard agent Thompson, I just wanted to be free".

"It's up to you what you want to do with this information Thompson" Adam said as he looked intently at her, drawing her attention to him with his low voice, "but these people have been through a lot and I wouldn't advise you to share your knowledge about what she is"

The agent narrowed her eyes at him as she came out of the shock. "Are you suggesting, Mr Wright, that I withhold information from my colleagues, from my superiors"?

"Yes, agent Thompson, I strongly suggest. They didn't have to be here but they are. You know how badly it can hurt her if everyone come to find out. This stays between the five of us. If by chance, they come to know, you behave like you had no idea in the first place"

He had promised that nothing would happen to her and he will keep that promise, for her. For him.

She looked over at Thea and then back to Adam, as if deciding on what course of action to take before nodding to herself.

"This is against protocol" she said to them, "but, I understand your need to remain a secret and I respect it". She said and everyone in the room released the breath they held.

"Ok, it's settled then", Thea said as she looked back at everyone in the room. "What's the next step agent Thompson"?

"I inform the task force of the modified plan and we get into position to carry it out and finally put an end to this madness". And with that she left the room.

"I still don't think you should do this, put yourself in harm's way like this but" Daisy said after a bit of silence, "I understand and you're right. You going in will undoubtedly draw them out so, let's see".

All they had to do was focus on the mission, get it done and move forward with their lives and as much as they hate the idea of Thea going back and being the bait, they knew it was the fastest way to end this.


Thea stared sleepily at the harbor as the boat approached. When they left here all those years, she never thought she would be back here. But here she was three years later. She should have known, should have realized that they would have never been safe, that the past would have never been buried.

They had left Washington a week ago after agent Thompson had updated the rest of the taskforce on the modified plan and they had moved into action.

They arrived in Germany; Thea, the taskforce, two tech specialist and Adam. He had refused point blank to stay behind. He had told her if she was going, he was as well. She didn't know when it happened but at some point, she started to rely on him, on his presence.

As they left that night to Germany, after saying goodbye to her siblings with the instruction to return home and stay safe, she realized that somehow, she had come to care for him, for his safety.

When they had landed in Germany, they set up camp in a safe house. The plan was for her to show up or close enough to some of Ivan's businesses, see if anyone recognizes her and take the bait.

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