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"Was that the last one"? Thea heard as she walked to the office. The voice was deep, smooth and belonged to the person that would interview her. Her nerves spiked again. This was different than going into The Pit, she didn't really know what the play would be like, no matter how hard she had prepared.

"No, there's one left" another voice replied followed by a groan.

"Okay fine, let's get this over with" the first person replied before she walked into the room. It was a conference room, big and spacious. The table could easily sit twenty people, not including the chairs lined up the corners. On the wall on one side was ceiling to floor windows, showcasing Seattle.

It had two occupants in it, one lady, middle aged with a serious looking suit. She had a calm expression on her face as she looked like someone you wouldn't want to mess with. Thea noticed she was married based on the ring she wore on her left finger

The other occupants was a man, Adam Wright. She had seen photos of him prior to this day but she could admit he looked way better in real life. She sat with a form fitting suit, looking straight faced but had a curious look in his eyes as he looked at her.

"Good morning" she greeted them both as she entered, handing her portfolio over to the lady.

"Good morning. My name is Margaret Carter and this is Adam Wright, we'll be conducting your interview today. Please take a seat" the woman offered in a slightly hoarse voice. No doubt as a result of cigarettes. "Please, tell us about yourself" she offered.

"My name is Thea Knox. I'm twenty-two years old and recently just graduated from Seattle University. I have two younger siblings who I'm responsible for. No parents" she finished.

"No prior work experience" Mrs Carter asked. Looking through the portfolio.

"No ma'am but I do have service hours, it's there..."

"Yes I can see that" the woman caught her reply off. Thea was irritated. She needed this to go well and this lady wasn't making it easy. Mrs Carter was interrupted by her phone ringing. She looked at the screen then excused herself to answer, leaving Thea alone with Mr Wright.

She cleared her throat and looked at him to find him already looking at her. That curious look still in his eyes but there was also something else. Something she couldn't pinpoint and it irked her.

"Miss Knox there has been a lot candidates today"

"I'm aware sir"

"So really I just want to know, what makes you different. Why should we hire you and not any other applicants".

"I won't bore you sir by telling you how I'm the best personal assistant you'll have because honestly that conclusion would be up to you" Thea took a deep breath. Her plan would either get her the job or back fire. He arched an eyebrow at her response but didn't interrupt.

"Mr Wright, it is to my understanding that you always move with your bodyguards and you find that tedious" she started. He corked his head at her, not expecting this conversation to head that way. "I've done my research sir and while I know the importance of it, I know that it's not every meeting you go to that they'll be able to be with you.

If in case that situation arises and you end up in danger, it would take sometime for your bodyguards to get to you, be it in seconds, but that is enough time for whoever your assailant is to cause you bodily harm or worse, kill you" she finished, still maintaining her calm posture.

"So what's your point miss Knox, what has this got to do with why you should, out of all the other applicants, be employed" he said, clearly annoyed. Thea supressed the urge to smile. He must have gone through that scene in his mind and couldn't do anything about it.

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