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"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen" Adam began, "I only recently just came across this investigation when an associate of Clarence tried to kill me and yes, I did call to say I had information but, the one who can best relay it to you is Ms Knox" he said nodding to her.

She took a deep breath, stood up and walked towards him. He stepped back as she gave him the drive Lee had handed to her. She stood I front of the room as he plugged it into the tv and held the remote control.

"Good afternoon. My name is Thea Knox" she started. She felt calm and oddly detached from the situation when she had been scared of exposing herself this entire time.

She turned to the agent who had done the presentation at first. "The information you've gathered is good but not all correct. Yes there's a group called The Organization but they don't only kidnap, sell children and sell assassins.

They also run an underground fighting arena where children fight each other and some cases other people and highly selected patrons attend and bet on the them. These children, if they are not good enough as girls are sold as sex toys and the boys are killed and their parts are harvested and sold on the black market.

The children kidnapped range from 0-13 years old. From 0-5 are resold to other families at very high prices or to other people who use them. The rest of them are trained and when they are at their best, they are sold as the assassins.

Their base is Germany as you said, they have several outlets but the HQ is somewhere we call Underground. It's an old bunker that was expanded and reconstructed and their leader isn't Clarence. It's this man" she said and turned to the screen where Adam had clicked to the picture she wanted, "Ivan".

"Pardon me" an agent said to the left of her and everyone turned towards him, "but eh, how exactly do you know all these things. I mean, this is a pretty detailed report, you've got maps, location, the actual operations and the leaders so excuse me if I'm wondering if it is all true"

"I understand that you're sceptical about the information, I would be too if I were you" she answered. Adam shut the tv and came to stand beside her, offering her his support silently, as if he knew how hard this was for her.

"I know all this because..., because I was one of such children" she could hear gasps around the room. The lady that had done the presentation put her hand to her mouth as if to hold in the shock.

"Three years ago, I escaped and now I'm here to help take them down, no matter what". She could feel the eyes of every agent in the room as they looked over her as if to see if they could see any damage that had been done to her.

"Where you the only one to get away"? Another agent asked.

She hesitated to answer. She wanted to say yes to protect her siblings but thought better of it. She could feel Adam shift beside her and the next second, his hand wrapped hers and gave a little squeeze.

"No. I escaped with two others. They are younger. The Organization is bad news and we knew no matter what, we'll always look over our backs but, the main problem would always be that they can always continue, do to others what we went through and maybe even worse"

"Worse, what can be worse than what you've just described. My God, selling the parts of children they consider weak"! Exploded the first agent that tried to stop her from entering the meeting.

"There are worse things agent" she replied sardonically, "like, oh I don't know, performing experiments on them, untested experiments. Where they become the lab rats as they try different methods to enhance the human body and all in the master's bid for a stronger assassin, a stronger fighter.

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