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It was always like this.

Heart racing, mind focused on just one thing, winning the match but it was different tonight. She had more than one focus. Win the match and escape this hell.

She knew her opponents tonight would be blood thirsty for a victory. Her abilities would have been broadcasted to them, making her seem like the greatest challenge they'll ever face and maybe she was.

Many at times when she was in The Pit, ready for a match, her opponents would take one look at her and laugh, thinking it was a prank and she couldn't be the one they had heard about. They would make fun of her, not that she was small, she was 5ft 8 but they would taunt her, thinking it would be easy.

They always thought it would be easy.

She had been in her room all day. It was something she did the day of a fight and was permitted by Ivan, something Clarence hated. Her meals were brought to her and she would sit still, legs crossed, eyes closed, listening to her heart beat, envisioning The Pit and how full it would be.

Today wasn't any different and now, it was time to get to The Pit, time for the escape.


The Pit was one big circle. The edges elevated so the patrons could sit and watch the match going on below without any inconveniences.

Underneath the elevated seats, were locker rooms. On one side was where captives who were to fight stayed up until their matches and on the other part, captives who weren't fighting stayed to watch. That was where Maggie and Ryder stood, looking at those fighting, waiting for their cue to leave.

Maggie was anxious, it's not everyday a person escapes captivity. She knew the plan by heart but she couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong. She didn't know what it was but she had to stay vigilant, it wasn't just her and Alyssa anymore. She looked down at Ryder, she would get them out of there, she silently promised herself.

It was time. The crowd was going wild as two brutes stepped into the fight circle. One looking bigger than the other but she knew Alyssa could take them. It was time but she had to wait for the perfect time to move. Ryder tensed beside her, ready for whatever she will say.

The ear shattering roar of the crowd signals Alyssa's entry into the circle. She stood proud, head raised, in front of the patrons and her opponents, she never looked down. And then they attacked.

That was their cue.

Moving away from the rest of the enthralled captives, they made their was quietly but quickly out and straight for the guards room. She was conscious of the cameras as they moved through the halls.

When they got to the guards room, she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized it was really deserted. Alyssa was right. They moved to the other side where the elevator was located and she put in the code she had to memorize but it didn't work.

Her heart was threatening to beat out of her mouth. She was about to panic, this was their one way out. She tried it again, certain she had made a mistaken the first time but it still didn't work.

"What's wrong" Ryder asked. His voice low. He was watching her six, making sure they were not caught but she was taking longer than the plan had entailed.

"It's not working" her voice was becoming hysterical. Panic was taking over.

"Did you forget the password or something"

"No" she gulped. She had to keep her head, it's not just her at risk. "I think they changed the password"

"I think I can crack it" Ryder said. He has always been good with tech and this keypad seem simple enough. He'd crack it and reprogram it so it'll be the password Alyssa knows. "Let me see". He nudged her away and got to work.

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