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"Ok Lee, we're back on the jet and it's taxiing currently about to take off" she said, immediately the plane started moving, Adam had gone straight into the back room immediately they had boarded and she could hear him now, pacing.

"Ok good" Thea could hear the relief in his voice. "You come straight here when you land ok, I don't care if you have to bring Mr Wright along, at this point, we think it'll be better to fill him in"

"I know. Have Bubble prepare that other room. It's going to be a long talk" she could already feel her head ache from the talk to come.

"Ok. See you when you get here". She took out the piece and put it in her pocket. They had left almost all their belongings in their rooms this morning. Clothes and other accessories. Thankfully, her passport, phone and purse where in her bag and he had his in his laptop bag as well as his laptop.

After getting to the docks after they escaped the island, he had called the pilot to ready the plane so they could leave. He kept looking at her while she surveyed all around them for any threats. She knew he had so many questions and she will tell him what he needs to know. She owed him that.

He came out shortly after her call and sat directly in front of her. He had cleaned up a bit, removing his jacket and tie. He untucked the shirt so he looked a bit relaxed, more calm than the eratic mess he had been when they left the island.

"Who have you been talking to"? he asked in a low calm voice.

"My little brother" he scoffed, not believing me. Now, after saying it out loud, it does sound unbelievable. "I'm not lying to you. I've never lied to you"

"And how am I so sure. You are not who you say you are" his voice raising a little bit, his calmness slipping giving way to anger.

"I am who I say. When we land, I'll need you to come with me"

"I'm not going anywhere with you. You just killed two people! You killed two people, without blinking" his voice becoming lower, more angry now, his eyes holding a far away look as if he could see her do it over and over again, "you didn't even break a sweat an-and the way you moved, how did you move so fast, how did you dodge that bullet, how did you know I was going to get shot..."

"Calm down okay, I need you to calm down"

"That's rich coming from you. Are you a trained assassin, is that what you are huh? Was that why it was so easy for you to kill without even blinking"

"That was the first time I took someone's life" her voice strong. "I didn't hesitate because I knew it was either them or us. Tell me, Adam" she said cocking her head to the side as she looked at him, "should I have let him shoot you, should I have played dumb and allowed him to kill me because they might have killed you or incapacitated you but I know for sure, they would have killed me"

That shut him up. He didn't have a response. He knew what she was saying was true, it was either them getting killed or her killing. He still didn't know about his guards and what might have happened to them.

"So, you where talking to your little brother"? he spoke after a while. His voice had lost its angry edge.


"He told you about the boat and which way to go"? She nodded "would he by chance know what would have happened to the other guys"?

"He should. Like I said, we're going to my place so you'll get to meet him"

"So what aren't you telling me Thea. I need answers now"

She took a deep breath. It was never easy visiting her past. She still hasn't come to terms with what she did some hours ago.

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