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"No"! Thea screamed in outrage.

"But Thea it's a good plan, a great plan even" Daisy tried to appeal to her older and more than over protective sister.

"I'm not having you go to Germany, parade yourself around in the hopes that you are captured and then actually have you captured by Ivan and his men! And you don't even know if they would take you back, do you, you don't know if they would want to kill you at first sight, so no Daisy, I said no and I MEAN NO"!!! Thea yelled startling Adam and agent Thompson.

Thea was always calm but not when her siblings safety was concerned. She was certain she had never felt so hysterical before but now, at the thought of harm towards her sister, she couldn't seem to be in control anymore.

She started regretting her decision to call them and agree with Adam to have them transported down. Maybe if they had been in Seattle, she wouldn't be feeling the way she was at the moment.

After calling her siblings and updating them on what was happening, Adam had arranged for them to be transported to Washington and they arrived at night.

They had retired to a hotel where they had all talked about the way forward and how best to help the taskforce and whichever plan they managed to come up with.

Agent Thompson, the agent that had given the presentation had arranged a meeting for the next morning with the hope of having a plan in place and they had arrived this morning, back to the same conference room except today, it was just Adam, agent Thompson and the Knox family.

Never in Thea's wildest dreams did she think agent Thompson would suggest that they use one of them as bait to draw Ivan out when they had arrived this morning, or for Daisy to volunteer to be the one to go in.

"Ms Knox, I understand your apprehension and reluctance but this will guarantee that we won't be walking into a trap". Agent Thompson tried to reason with her. This plan was better than every other one her colleagues had come up with.

"Going to Germany is already a trap agent Thompson, going after The Organization is a trap but setting up my own sister as a bait, is plain succidal, so I'd take a trap over giving her permission to do this"

"I don't need you permission Thea" Daisy said before the agent could reply. "We've all taken risks here and we all know what the endgame is. Let me do this, let me add my own two bits into this ok, I mean, you'll be there and I know you won't let anything happen to me"

"Still not happening" Thea retorted. She won't see her walk into danger and stand back. "You think you don't need my permission by trust me, you don't want to go toe to toe on this with me" she said as she walked close to her sister, so close that she could feel Daisy's breath on her skin and whispered "because Daisy, you won't win this. You know who I am and no matter how much I run from it, I'm still the same person. Don't mess with me"

Everyone was quiet as the sisters continued their stare off. Liam had never seen Thea so cross with Daisy and for a second, he got scared for his sisters.

"Fine" Daisy's voice rang out, breaking through the silence. "I won't do it agent Thompson. This is one battle I can't win"

Thea breathed out in relief. She didn't want to but she was ready to go as far as incapacitate her sister so she won't be fit to throw her life on the line.

"Then we don't have a plan"

"Explain this plan to me again agent" Adam finally said. He had been watching Thea and knew that beneath that angry facade, she was scared, scared of losing her sister and he could understand.

"Storming into the Underground guns blazing is a terrible idea especially we don't have an idea of their forces and how many could be called in as reenforcement so, we set the trap.

Either, there's a citing of them and we draw them out to a level playing field or we allow one get captured so we know exactly what we are walking into and catch Ivan else, I'd say it's succidal".

"Going after Ivan is succidal" Thea snorted

"And yet you were willing to do so even without help. That's insane" Adam retorted.

"I never said I was sane" she replied. She understood the plan and its advantage but she wasn't willing to bet or batter Daisy's life. "It'll be better to draw them out" Thea said. "We split into two, one draws them out and take them out or arrest them, whichever you prefer" she said when the agent made a face at taking them out.

"While the other goes to the bunker and rescue the other children and destroy their operations".

"Sound plan, except our one volunteer has been bullied into stepping down" agent Thompson said giving Thea a strong look. "And we don't know that whatever trap we set would work or that it would draw Ivan and Clarence out. Ivan's key, if we have him, getting the others won't be a hassle"

"The plan will work. It will work perfectly, especially if I go instead"

"No"! "No way Thea" Daisy and Liam short the idea down immediately.

"Thea, I love you and respect your wishes but this is one we are going to disagree on. How could you think we let you go when we short the idea of Daisy going down" Liam exploded. His face wore a mask of fury as he looked at her.

"Lee's right Thea. I get it, you're trying to protect us and all but going back there is not an option for me much less you"

"That's exactly why" Thea replied as she walked to stand by the window. "Who will draw out both Ivan and Clarence is not me. This is going to work"

"And if it doesn't" Daisy said, her voice cracking as she could imagine what they would want to do to her sister.

"You might actually be onto something there" the agent put her own two cents in as she watched the siblings argue.

"No she isn't" Liam rebuked. "Don't encourage her. Thea, I know that it's almost impossible to sway you once your mind's been made but think about us, think about me. I need you safe Thea please"

She turned to see a tear run down his cheeks and she moved to embrace him. He seemed so vulnerable at this time and her heart broke. She almost changed her mind but she remembered why they started this in the first place.

"Lee, it's because of that that I'm the best bet at ending this". She faced the agent and laid her plans down.

"At the first citing, they'll probably send a couple of guards to take me but after we get those ones, we have to set up a killbox  or a capture box. When they come, and they will come we need to be ready"

"Why are you so sure that they will come ms Knox. You said there are lots of children and I get that you escaped and can expose them but, maybe all three of you should be cited, then we'd know for sure that they will come don't you think"?

"Liam and Daisy aren't going anywhere near those bastards. They will come agent Thompson because they need me alive".

"Maybe we should go over this with the other agents" she said as she moved to the door, "get an idea on what they think so.."

"Agent Thompson" Adam stopped her "if she said she can bring them out, you should trust that"

"I do but I can't on the off chance that something goes wrong because she thinks she's special. There are lives at stake here" she finished softly as she looked from Adam to Thea.

"I said they will come because" she swallowed "because I'm Ace".

*Thanks for reading 😘
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