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"Hey guys I'm home"! Thea yelled as she got into the house. She had stopped to grab dinner on her way, not feeling like cooking. She and Daisy took turns on who would cook.

"How did it go"?

"Did you get it, did you get the job"? Her two siblings rushed to her, asking questions. She just stared at them and smiled. She loved them so much and was willing to do anything, just to see them happy and alright.

"It went fine and yes, I did get the job" she replied calmly as she brought out what she bought, plating them and handing out.

"That's it" Daisy asked, her face looking a bit disappointed from the lack of details she  took her plate from Thea while sitting beside her at the dinner table and Liam mirrored her. "It went fine? Oh common on Thea, you need to give us more than that. How was the interview like, how many applicants were there, did you meet Adam Wright, is he as cute as the pictures say he is" when Thea kept looking at her like she had grown another head, she couldn't take it anymore "common, give me something".

Thea looked to Liam for explanation. She knew her sister was insane but not to this extent.

"Hey don't look at me" he said as he started eating, "she's been running through scenarios on what would've happened since we got home".

"Okay, it really was okay Bubble, there were a lot of people when I got there, I was actually the last person to get there. On my way up I had overheard a bodyguard saying how much his boss doesn't like them following him around as much so I just thought, he could get a personal assistant and bodyguard all in one, you know" she said shrugging as she started eating.

"So what happened next, did you meet him, is he cute"

"Yes I did meet him" Thea replied while rolling her eyes, "he looks different from the pictures, better I think", she answers her sister's question before she asks, " my interviewer took a call midway through the interview so he sort of took over. He asked why he should hire me and I saw that as my opening

When I was done pitching my idea to him, he asked for a demonstration and I gave it to him a couple of hours later" she finished with a shrug.

"So you had to fight someone" Liam stated

"No, someones. About five of them. It was a challenge but highly refreshing. It's been a while".

Her siblings stared at her shocked. She talked about fighting as if they hadn't tried to get away from that lifestyle, like they hadn't risked their lives just so they didn't have to be in such a situation.

"So, how was school guys"? She asked, deflecting the attention from her as her siblings kept looking at her like she was bonkers. Maybe she was but she did get the job.

"It was great. Bailey, Thomas and I passed our midterms" Liam said. Bailey was a girl Thea knew he was infatuated but he denied vehemently and Thomas was her cousin. He became fast friends with them.

"Well school was great. Duke and I are going to the movies this weekend" Daisy said, after she had stopped over analysing in her head. Duke was her boyfriend of two months. He was her lab partner who she had a crush on. Turns out, he also had a crush on her and had asked her out. They've been together ever since.

"Okay. Just be careful ok, please and Lee congratulations to all three of you. I can't wait to see you three geniuses own your own businesses and be awesome" she said as she kissed the crown of his head.

She finished her dinner and went up to her room. It had been a long day and she just wanted to soak herself in her tub. Ever since she discovered the joy and relaxation after a good soak, she made sure she used it well.

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