Another Dreaded Monday

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Author's Note: Please enjoy the chapter

Triggers: Sad, Depression, Self-Doubt


Tony's POV

I basically slept Sunday away. Clint came in my room sometimes to check on me and Bruce usually came in with some food. But I wouldn't touch it. I never had an appetite on Sunday. My stomach would growl in protest, but I ignored it. My mind was just as empty as my head. My legs were still achy from Saturday.

It was Monday now and it was 5:28 in the morning. I couldn't sleep, no matter what I did. Nightmares were keeping me awake. I laid there silently in my bed as the time ticked by. I just felt numb. I look over and now it was 6:30 now. Bruce stood me waking up now. I was right, there was a soft knock.

"Tony, are you up?" he asked. I called back.


"Okay," he simply said, before I heard footsteps going down the stairs.

This day was gonna be actually hell...

*Skip To School)

As we arrived at school, I wanted to go back home. I dragged myself into the building and was walking to my science class.

"You okay?" Clint asked as we were walking. I nodded, not really wanting to be a burden on him.

"If you're sure, but if that changes just text me, okay?" he said, patting my back. I nodded as me and Bruce walked into the math room.

Science wasn't that eventful. All I wanted to do is sleep though. Science went by kinda quickly and the bell rang. Me and Bruce stood up and walked to our math class.

Math was fucking hell. Just because the perfect gang was there. Natasha was nice to us, Steve and Bucky were silent, and Sam was messing with us. I was miserable. I was so tired and my body was achy again. I just wanted Steve to disappear. Every time I see him, I want to cry. He was my everything and he broke my heart. I must have zoned out because I came back to Bruce waving his hand in my face.

"You okay?" Bruce asked, with a concerned look. I shook my head.

"No, but I'll manage," I said, putting my head on the desk. I just want the day to end.

As the bell rang, me and Bruce stood up from our seats and I made my way to English. I was going slower than normal. Because when I get there, I would have to sit in front of Steve. I walked in and noticed that Steve wasn't here yet. I sighed in relief. I was about to sit in my seat when Thor came up behind me.

"Here, Tony, sit with me," Thor said, as he led me over to his seat.

"Thor, I can't, it's a full class. I can't take someone's seat," I explained, as Thor was sitting down.

"No sense, I talked to my buddy that was behind me and agreed to switch with you," Thor said, excitedly.

"See," Thor said, pointing over to my seat, I usually sat in. Some random person was in my seat and wave as us, with a smile. I smiled and waved.

"Thank you, Thor," I whispered. Thor smiled up at me.

"Of course, I'll always help a friend," Thor said. I leaned over and gave him a hug. Thor returned the hug.

"Truly thank you," I whispered, in our hug. As we pulled away. The bell started to ring. I sat in my new seat, behind Thor. I had a small smile. As the teacher tried to start the class when the door opened. It drew all our attention to the door. In came Steve Rogers.

"Ah, Mr. Rogers, care to join us? I'm sure you would like to sit in detention too?" the teacher asked like a smartass. Steve just walked over to his seat and looked a little shocked, but sat in his seat.

"You have detention on Friday," The teacher said as he restarted his class. Steve nodded. I was watching Steve. It looked like he was scanning the room. He made eye contact with me and pointed at the seat in front of me. I shook my head and looked down at my paper. I really wanted to cry right now.

"You good?" Thor whispered to me. I looked up and Thor was facing me. I nodded. Thor gave me a sad smile.

"Okay," he whispered and turned back around in his seat. I started to get tried, so I laid my head on my desk. I was so exhausted, I had a splitting headache. I was also asleep when...

"Mr. Stark," the teacher booming startled me. I sat up and looked up at the teacher.

"Yes?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Would you like to join Rogers in detention?" he asked with a devilish grin. I shook my head.

"No, sir," I responded.

"Don't fall asleep again,"  the teacher said. I nodded.

"Did you sleep last night?" Thor asked, concern in his voice. I shook my head. Thor gave me a concerned looked but turned around again.

As the class continued, the teacher announced that he was gonna let us work on the project that was due. I sighed, my partner was Steve.

"What are you gonna do? You know with Steve being your partner," Thor asked.

"I'll just work on my own," I said, shrugging. Thor nodded. As I working on the project, my eyes started to droop. I was so tired, a quick nap couldn't hurt right. I was almost asleep when...

"Stark!" the teacher yelled at me. I jolted awake and made eye contact with him.

"What did I say about falling asleep?" he asked, looking at me.

"Not too, sir," I said, placing my head in my hands.

"Well, I guess you're gonna join Rogers in detention on Friday," the teacher said, smirking. I bolted up.

"No, please," I begged.

"Too bad, detention on Friday for you," he said. I groaned. Great now I have to deal with Steve on Friday. I laid my head back on the desk.

"Can I just get a break?" I whispered. As I said that the bell rang saying it was lunchtime.

"Thank god," I said, as I stood and walked to lunch with Thor...


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