Ahn Yujin x Fem!Reader

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Genre: fluff
Type: gxg
Title: Guilty as sin (for i have held heaven in my hands)

Requested by user: honeyssamu

"Yujin!" The voice was loud and ecstatic, it rang through the air as loud thuds resounded in the airport. The cool air rushed against y/n's flushed cheeks, accompanying the blinding smile as she sprinted towards the girl on the opposite side of the gate.

"Y/n, hey, it's been a while," Yujin said softly, waving as she lugged her pink suitcase - the one she had back when they were both 13, the same exact one. Yujin's smile didn't reach her eyes though, they lacked that usual warmth, instead harbouring an unfamiliar dread with underlying simmering of what could only be described as guilt.

Y/n tried not to read into it, truly she did. Her hands were quick to take the suitcase from Yujin's hands. "Here, let me help you." y/n quickly put the suitcase in one hand and went to grab Yujin's hand with the other.

Yujin immediately snatched her hand away, as if she had been burned by their contact, as if the touch was foreign to her. As if they weren't each other's comfort just 4 years ago.

"Yujin?" Y/n's voice was soft this time, unsure, holding a shred of doubt that seemed to spread in her body like a virus. It curbed her excitement, turned her joy into anxiety as her breathing grew shallower. "I'm sorry." Yujin's voice was shaky, tears pricked her eyes. Her voice was barely above a whisper, as if it was holding such a convoluted secret - a lie.

A million emotions flashed across y/n's face, her heart clenched as she let go of the suitcase. "What...What do you mean." As much as she hated it, her voice cracked, it cracked like a broken promise, as if the midas touch of Yujin she once held dear was merely an incantation for a false god.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry...i'm so so sorry." Yujin muttered again and again, repeating the words like a prayer, as if she was about to fall to her knees and beg for forgiveness. To beg for the mercy for the wrath about to come. For the storm that brewed beneath the promises she had broken.

"I...I had to...I had to, Y/n" Yujin mumbled and it was like her voice betrayed her because for the first time it made her feel small, weak. It made a hole for the girl she loved, like a grave dug deep.

A dark figure appeared by Yujin's side, his eyes lingered on the girl for a second too long, too sweet, dripping with honey like Yujin was nectar.

"Oh." was all y/n could manage, the pieces coming together to slam right into her like a freight train. She could feel her body seize up. Yujin watched in dismay, her heart shattering as it did before as she watched the look of confusion turn into one of understanding and betrayal.

"You promised." Y/n said softly, fist clenched as she breathed deeply. "You promised!" The words came flying out, louder, faster, laced with the betrayal of broken oaths. Laced with the understanding that the path she thought was her future was a blocked road.

The man beside Yujin looked on in confusion as Y/n immediately turned away, running before the tears could fall from her eyes. Her throat was dry, mouth turning into cotton as she seeks out shelter in solace.

"Who was that?" The man asks Yujin. Yujin doesn't hear him for a while, merely staring of at the space where her love once stood.

"A future." Yujin says after a few moments, she was breathless as the tears caught up to her, she hadn't felt them slipping down, only noticing them as a hand wipes them away. She flinches away from the touch.

"Yujin..." The man mumbles, there is quiet understanding in his voice. "This is why your parents wanted us together." He mutters softly, the realisation dawning on him. He was merely a placeholder to keep her away from the love that was cast in shame by her parents.


"Huh?" Yujin finally snaps out of her listless daze.

"Go." It was more stern this time.

Yujin looks up at the man who had a soft smile on his face, sadness etched in the corner of his lips but the fortitude in his words pushed Yujin. Her legs sprinted forward before her mind could catch up, she ran as fast as she could, her legs pounding onto the tiled floor as she shoved past waves of people.

Yujin's eyes scan the crowd in frantic motion, finally they find the shadow of the one she is looking for. For a split second her world stops, and then she's running, she's running like she's being chased.

This time though, it's different, freeing almost.

Because she's no longer chased but is chasing. She finally gets to chase her love, not a chosen lover, but her choice of a lover. she gets to chase her.

And it's freeing all the same.

Yujin pants as soon as she's behind the girl, immediately moving to engulf her in a hug she's craved for the past 4 years every single night.

Immediately, y/n leans into the touch. It takes a second for her to register what was happening. She shoves Yujin away, a frown on her face. "Yujin? You have a boyfriend." Y/n spat, her eyes glowering at the girl that cowered before her.

"Y/n, please let me explain." Yujin begged, her eyes shimmered with tears unshed, y/n's face fell at the sight. She nodded her head, pursing her lips.

"When I was sent away...it was because my parents saw us together. They didn't want me...seeing a girl." Yujin started, struggling to keep her voice from cracking. "So they...they picked a guy and immediately set us on a blind date."

"I wanted to get them off me but then they...they..." Yujin couldn't continue, crumbling almost immediately into Y/n's arms as they came instinctively to wrap around her in order to keep her from falling.

"They said they were going to...they were going to hurt you." Yujin muttered softly, tears rushing down her face as she sobbed. She buried her face into the nape of Y/n's neck, letting out chocked sounds of grief as she clung onto her love.

"So I...I couldn't...I wouldn't let them harm you." Yujin said softly, trying to even put her breathing as she looked into Y/n's eyes, searching for the disgust she thought would be there. But instead she is met with the same loving gaze she fell for years back.

Time seemed to stop around them as Yujin's sobs died out. A look of understanding crosses Y/n's face as she brings a hand up to cup Yujin's cheek, gently stroking as she wiped away her tears. Gently, she leans in, finding her footing as her other hand hooks around Yujin's neck, pulling her closer.

"God, I've missed you." Y/n breathed the words against Yujin's lips before finally connecting them. It's sweet and salty, the sweetness of free release mixed into the bitterness of their past. It was soft. It was everything. It was the forgiveness of pasts and a promise for their future.

In the cusp of their kissed lies the words left unsaid between them, the promises read between lines and the vows said in unspoken pants of breaths.

It all lead up to this.

"I love you."

The words were quick and sudden; and they felt so, so right. Yujin's smile reached her ears, her dimples prevalent as she kissed Y/n over and over again.

"I love you too." Yujin said those words with firmness, as if for herself in confirmation of what truly is coming into fruition - the life she always dreamed of.

"What about your boyfriend?" Y/n asks, a hint of teasing back in her voice as she finally feels a weight lift off her chest. "Oh him? Eh I don't even know his full name anyways." Yujin mutters, sighing into another kiss as Y/n giggles.

She can think about the implications later, but for now, Yujin wanted to revel in the euphoria she rightfully earned from 4 years of longing from a distance.

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