Chapter 1: Meeting the Dragon

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"I can't believe we ended up riding the train twice," Natsu said, still recovering from his motion sickness. "I know, why did you let that happen Happy? I thought you were our friend!" I wined at Happy as we were making our way into Hargeon. "You guys have got to get over that motion sickness," he replied to us. "Now I'm so hungry I could eat my hand," Natsu said, "Aye," I agreed with him. "It's too bad we don't have any money for food," Happy pointed out the obvious. "Yeah, yeah, you don't have to remind us. As soon as we get back home, we're going on a job and it's my turn to pick!" I yelled at Natsu; I already know this trip is gonna be a bust. "Yes ma'am," he replied scared for his life, as he should be.

"Hey Happy, Y/n. This salamander we're looking for has got to be Igneel, right?" he asked, hopeful his friends would support him. "Aye it has to be because the only fire dragon I've ever heard of is Igneel," Happy comforted him. "That's true," Natsu turned to me, "What do you think?" "I've told you already. It's not going to be him. If there was actually a dragon here, we would have seen him already," Why do I always have to be the voice of reason here.

"Salamander! You're so dreamy! And so hot," we saw a crowd of girls from afar. "Salamander?" we all said in unison and bolted towards the crowd. "Well speak of the devil we're in luck Happy," then he turned to me, "is there something you wanna say?" he smirked as if he had won already. "Don't be so naïve, if there was a dragon here don't you think we would be able to see him from here?" I mean dragons are huge! I should know I was raised by one.

"Igneel! Igneel! Igneel! It's me!" Natsu yelled as we made our way to the center of the crowd. We looked at the man in question but it was just some purple-headed dude. "Who the heck are you?" Natsu interrogated him. "I told you so," I told Natsu in a bored tone. The guy started introducing himself but we didn't care and we left. "Well that was a disappointment," I told them but before I could hear his reply, I felt an attack coming. I grabbed Happy and jumped into the air and dodged the stampede.

"You're so rude! Salamander is a great wizard! You better apologize to him or we're gonna rip you to shreds!" Natsu was attacked by a crowd of girls. "What gives, why didn't you grab me?" Natsu complained as he was being pummeled. "You wanna be S class, don't you? You can't expect me to tell you every time there's gonna be an attack," I replied to him as I landed a safe distance away while holding Happy in my arms. "But why Happy?" He asked me in a sad tone, "Because ... He's adorable!" I proclaimed, "Aye," Happy agreed with me as I cuddled him.

"Now, now that's enough my lovelies. Let him go. I'm sure the poor boy didn't mean anything malicious by it," women started cooing at him. He took out a paper and pen and started writing something, "Here's my autograph kid. Now you can brag to all your friends," the guy said handing him an autograph. "No thanks," Natsu said plainly. The crowd of women started to snarl and, in an instant, sent him flying headfirst into a wall.

"Guess it wasn't him after all," Happy said as I approached a defeated Natsu. "Defiantly not him," Natsu said while holding in his groans of pain. "I to-" I got interrupted by Natsu when he suddenly stood up and held a fist at me, "I know I know, jeez could you give me a break. "Yup, that's Natsu alright, he always goes from being utterly defeated to somehow having lots of energy.

"Who the heck is that guy?" Natsu asked as the purple-haired wizard left. "I don't know but he was a real creep. Thank you for your help." A blonde-haired girl came up to us. "You're welcome," I responded. If it wasn't for us, she wouldn't have busted out of that guys love charm, I mean that's the only explanation that a creep like that could have a stampede of girls drooling over him. Also, I have eyes and saw the ring he was using. Fortunately, it doesn't work if you realize he's using it. "Can I take you guys out to eat?" she asked us. "Say no more!" we all yelled at her in unison.

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