Chapter 4: The Queen of Fairies asks for Help

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"I can't believe we didn't get a reward," Lucy said glumly sitting. "I can't believe they were dirt poor," Natsu added. "I can't believe there was no fish," Happy always had to add something about fish. "I can't believe I didn't have to do anything the whole time," I said in a nonchalant tone. "That's because you chose not to!" Lucy yelled at me angrily. "What? it was boring, totally not worth the trouble. I mean who cares about a stupid book?" I said shrugging my shoulders. "what do you mean it was-" "Yeah, your barking up the wrong tree there Lucy, Y/n doesn't really fight unless it's interesting or personal on the account that she's the laziest person I've ever met," Natsu interrupted the blonde. "Aye, if it sounds boring to her, she'll lose all interest, and there is nothing more boring than reading," the blue cat added. "Aye!" I agreed with Happy, or Erza but she's scary!

"Anyway, Lucy it's your turn to pick a job!" Natsu and I told the blonde in unison. "My turn? What makes you say that?" she retorted. "Well we're a team, now aren't we?" Natsu asked, "and we picked the job last time so now it's your turn," I added, "Aye!" Happy agreed. "You three shut it, as far as I'm concerned our team has been disbanded," Lucy menacingly said. "Huh? But how could you say that?" Natsu asked. "Hey, Lucy I wouldn't get too close to the pink-haired one if I were you, you might catch the stupid," Gray interrupted our bickering. "You jerk!" Natsu responded to his insult. "What did you say?" and there they go again fighting like always.

I looked over at Lucy and Loke was hitting on her. Great first Natsu and Gray and now this. I walked over and smacked Loke with my Dragon Ice Claw. "Step away from the blonde before she catches your weird scent, Loke," I told him with my Dragon Ice Claw still activated. "How dare you deny me of such beauty and gra-... wait a minute, you're not a celestial wizard are you?" Loke asked jumping away in fear. "Yup she's got cows and crabs and stuff," Happy said confirming Loke's suspension. Oh yeah, I forgot. He's got a bad past with celestial wizards. "What got into him?" Lucy asked me. "He's got a past with a celestial wizard. They say he dated one and it ended poorly," I explained to her.

"Well, I'm not surprised he-" she got taken down by Natsu. "Would you just knock it off already?" Lucy looks really annoyed. "Natsu started it I'm just following through," Did he really just forget that he inserted himself in the convo.

"I got bad news!" Loke kicked the guild door open and everyone in the guild gasped, "Its Erza! She's on her way here," oh crap. "Wow just mention Erza, and the whole place freaks out," Lucy said. "Well, she is one of the strongest female wizards we've got in Fairy Tail, and more than a bit intimidating," Mirajane explained. "A bit? She's a monster!" I yelled out and hid behind the bar as we heard heavy footsteps approaching the guild. It was Erza.

She entered the guild holding a big horn thing. I hope she doesn't see me. I ducked behind the bar and crawled my way out of the guild as Erza was talking and giving everyone a stern talking to. Right as I was about to open the door, I felt a hand grab the back of my outfit. Oh no, I really hope this isn't who I think this is.

"And where do you think you're going?" Erza asked with a dark aura surrounding her. "Oh, you know... uh... you see you came back earlier than expected and I was just about to go get your welcome back strawberry cake," I hope she buys it, she set me down. That's a good sign, right? "Really, are you sure it's not because you're trying to get yourself out of a mission again? I know Natsu doesn't care whether you do anything or not but would it kill you to jump in every once in a while?!" I've never been so scared in my life. "Yes, ma'am," I replied as I bowed my head.

"Are Natsu and Gray here?" Erza looked around and spotted the pink-haired flame ball holding hands with the blue-haired icicle. "Oh, hey there Erza, We're just hanging out like good friends tend to do," oh great the spotlight is off me. Then the guild started explaining why Natsu and Gray are afraid of her. "What about Y/N?" Lucy questioned. No one in the guild knew why I was so afraid of Erza, and its gonna stay that way for the rest of my life! "You don't wanna know," I looked at her with the eyes of someone who has seen some sh*t.

"Natsu, Gray, Y/n, I need you to do me a favor," she then started explaining the situation she encountered while traveling and asked us for help because we're the strongest wizards here. The whole guild was in disbelief, and to be honest so was I. This must be something really serious if Erza is asking for help. I mean she just walked in with the horn of a huge monster she killed. She told us to meet at the train station tomorrow morning. Oh no, trains? She definitely wants to torture me.

"Erza, Natsu, Gray, and Y/n? This could be the most powerful team Fairy Tail has ever seen," Mira said in disbelief.

*time skip*

Natsu and Gray were fighting in the middle of the train station. That's to be expected. Lucy came along on the mission as well because Mira asked her to come to help me keep Natsu and Gray from fighting, but there is no point because as Lucy said; they're hopeless.

"Sorry I'm late, have you been waiting long?" Erza came in with her mountain's worth of luggage, same old Erza. Lucy couldn't believe the amount of luggage Erza was bringing along. Erza does love a good outfit. Natsu and Gray were pretending to be best friends again, they look so bizarre holding hands like that.

Lucy and Erza were getting acquainted and Erza had her back towards Gray and Natsu so they started menacingly staring at each other but every time Erza looked their way they would go back to being chummy. Those two really are a different level of petty.

I'm more concerned about this train ride. If I sit at a window seat I'll be able to throw up out of the window but the view of the window will make my motion sickness worse. If I sit on the aisle seat then I won't have the added effects of the window view but I'll have nowhere to throw up. Maybe if I lay on someone's lap it will help me. Now let's see, Natsu is out of the running since hell be sick too. Gray isn't comfortable. I mean his ice is pretty good but he's not cuddly enough. Erza is definitely not an option unless I want to get a concussion. Happy is too small. Lucy is a good choice but her boobs intimidate me. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not flat-chested or anything. I've got pretty average boobs but hers are just so imaginably big. Maybe I'll just sleep in the overhead compartment like alw... wait did Natsu just challenge Erza to a fight and claim his victory? Hold on Erza said yes? They're probably going to destroy a whole mountain with their fight. This doesn't sound good for the Master.

As we boarded the train, I approached Erza one on one. "Hey Erza," she looked at me confused as I grabbed her and locked us in the train restroom. "What is it, and why have you brought me to this tiny restroom," she proclaimed. "Well, you probably shouldn't be taking so much space with your armor," I told her. That thing is really bulky. "Perhaps you may have a point," she then used her reequip magic to take off her armor. Wait, what the hell? "You don't have to be in a bikini you could have just taken off the armor!" I put my hand on my forehead in frustration. She just wanted to wear her bikini, didn't she. "I just wanted to talk about the mission before the train took off since I'm not going to be much use when it's in motion," you see, I've gone on a couple of missions with Erza because customers ask for us specifically. The first time I went with her she briefed me on the train but I was passed out from motion sickness. She didn't remember and gave me a good beating because she thought I wasn't paying attention. Once she finished briefing me on Lullaby, I opened the door and jumped into the overhead compartment.

*Lucy POV*

"Did she just jump into the overhead compartment?" Did Y/n really just do that? "Yes, she finds it helps her motion sickness," Natsu groaned as the train started moving and I heard them both start moaning and groaning though Natsu more than Y/n. 

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