Chapter 17: Taken

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"So you just let him go?!" Natsu screamed at me.

It's the following day and Gray, Happy, Lucy, Erza and Natsu we're back from their mission. Lucy went to her apartment though, she said she wanted to shower and put away her clothes.

"No, I didn't, he escaped," I told him. Annoyed that he's questioning my skills as a dragon slayer. I mean c'mon. How was I supposed to know that guy has a porcupine-like defense?

"I don't know. Sounds to me like you're losing your touch. Even Happy might have a chance against you now," that got me. I moved so fast all you could hear was the sound of my ice chains wrapping around Natsu as I hogtied him. I tightened them as much as I could.

"Eeh? Wanna run that passed me again?" I said with an evil glare while I was stomping on his head. "Gah, quit it would ya? And take these chains of their cold!" Natsu yelled at me but I ignored him and kept doing what I was doing.

"Wow, you must have made her pretty mad if even you feel cold flame ball," Gray said joining in our banter. "What did you call me?" Natsu yelled at Gray as he started wiggling his was to Gray. "Hey don't ignore me!" I yelled following him.

"Stop fighting!" I heard Erza's voice and I immediately let Natsu go. All three of us got in a group side hug. It was Gray, Natsu, and then me.

"What are you talking about we weren't fighting," Gray said enthusiastically. "Yeah, we were just talking like the best friends we are!" I jumped in trying to sound convincing. "Aye," Natsu said with a big old grin on his face.

Erza just looked at us sternly before she walked away. Thank god we can live to see another day.

*time skip*

Gray, Natsu, and Happy all decided to go to Lucy's house but I told them I'd catch up with them. I still haven't given Levy the pen and I just saw her 20 minutes ago in the guild! Sometimes I swear if they made me take the S class test again I wouldn't pass. I'm so different now than I was back then. It was like if Erza's personality now and Mirajane's old personality had a baby. Then that's my personality. So I was kind of all over the place.

I heard someone yelling, but not bad yelling, good yelling. "Go Team Shadowgear!" that's Levy! Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the spiky-haired dude from last night! He was about to attack Levy, Jet, and Droy so I quickly activated my Dragon Force and in the blink of an eye I was in front of Levy. On my way here I turned both my arms into an ice club and formed an x to block the attack. I'm not gonna lie, it's a cool spell and useful too.

"Back again for another beat down are you?" I asked him, "Levy, Jet, Droy, you guys get out of here. Get the master, I can handle him," I told them. "No way! We're not gonna leave you alone! We're all in Fairy Tail so that makes us all family and family doesn't get left behind!" Levy told me. Heh great speech, bad choice. Now, not only do I have to fight the porcupine I also gotta worry about them. I'm not underestimating their power but this guy has a different look in his eyes today. It like he knows he's gonna win this time.

"Gehe, yeah a little birdie told me you're afraid of a little shock therapy," what? How does he know that? The only people who know are members of Fairy Tail and it's against guild rules to tell people outside the guild anything about the people in the guild. I felt a hand grab my ankle from the ground. Oh no, I let my guard down. It attached something to me and before I knew what was happening I felt shocking pain all over my body and passed out.

*Narrator's POV*

A strange man emerged from the ground. He was wearing a brown suit and had a monocle over one of his eyes.

"Iz appears we ave captured ze girl no?" The man said in a thick French accent.

"Yeah get her back to the boss ASAP, I'll deal with these fairy flies," the iron dragon slayer said.

The French man then used his magic to transport Y/n away and the iron dragon slayer was left alone with Team Shadowgear. 

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