Chapter15: Levy's Favor

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I woke up feeling arms wrapped around my body like I was being hugged. That's weird I live alone... oh yeah I fell asleep at... wait. I slowly opened my eyes and was met face to face with Natsu. Now all would be well if he was still sleeping but today out of all days he decided to wake up early.

"Morning, Y/n. Did you sleep well? I know I did, you know you look cute when you're sleeping," so not only did I just sleep in the same bed as my crush but I cuddled with him and he saw me sleeping. My face was starting to heat up but I managed to hide my face under the blanket. Like it couldn't get any damn worse for me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as he let me go but just to try and look at my face but then I remembered something that would help me escape. "Huh what? No. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Don't you have that mission with the gang today?" I said as I started getting up looking for my Katana. "Well yeah, aren't you coming?" He asked me. Crap I was supposed to go, time to make up an excuse. "No no, I can't go. I have to um... go..." now I have to think about this. It has to be important enough for Erza to not come and get me....... I GOT IT! "Shopping, yeah I have to go shopping. So you have fun. Tell the gang I said hi and yeah," I said as I put my katana on and ran outta the house as quickly as I could. Glad that's over with. Now I can relax.

*time skip*

So it turns out I actually do have some shopping to do.

I got home and was about to start practicing my calligraphy. I'm really into calligraphy by the way. It's not something I like to let people know because they always think I'm super weird. ITS A TOTALLY NORMAL HOBBY!


I used up all of the ink I had last week and I also need some more brushes and paper. I pretty much need everything. Hehe ... I wonder why that is.


Narrator POV

"Got damn it why won't it come out right!" Y/n said practicing her calligraphy on her table. She roughly placed her brush on the ink glass but this caused it to tip over all of her clean paper. In a fit of rage, Y/n grabbed the brush and roughly slid it across the paper she was currently using. When the bristles got damaged she would grab another one and proceed to do the same until all her brushes were ruined.

*end flashback*

Y/n Pov

I walked into the store where I usually bought my stuff from and went straight to work. I managed to grab some paper and brushes. Now, all that's left is ink, I went to the ink section and managed to nab some. As I turned around to walk to the cash register I bumped into someone and fell on the floor.

"I'm sorry," both the other person and I said. I opened my eyes and as a result of the collision, all of our stuff was on the floor. I looked up to see who the other person was and it was Levy. Oh crap, I didn't think I'd see someone from the guild here! I can't let her look at my stuff and figure out why I'm here.

"Oh, hey Levy. Nice to see ya around," I said as I frantically started collecting all of my stuff, "hey, Y/n never thought I'd see you here," she said as she helped me gather my things. "Yeah well, I have some... letters to write.. yeah that's right letters," she put her hand under her chin as if she was pondering and looked at me suspiciously.

I was just standing there trying to avoid her gaze, trying not to look her way but our eyes accidentally locked and now I can't look away. She drew closer and closer and closer until she was no less than a millimeter away from my face. I was sweating profusely trying not to break but I just can't do it. Levy's aura is just drawing me in. I feel like I wanna tell her everything. Like I have to. So I broke.

"Okay! Fine! It's for my calligraphy!" I yelled in defeat from our stare-off. "Haha, I knew you didn't have any letters to write, you kept avoiding my gaze," I slouched over giving out a gloomy aura. "Huh, what's wrong Y/n?" Levy asked me. "Now you're gonna think I'm weird. Everyone I've ever told also told me I'm weird, I mean I get calligraphy isn't all that interesting to some people but to it is an art!" I said cheering up at the latter part with starts in my eyes.

"It's okay, I don't think you're weird. I think it's cool to be so passionate about something you love," she said, giving me a warm smile. I can't believe it. Everyone else always tells me that this is just a waste of my time and that I should be doing other things with my free time. I hugged her, "thanks Levy!" I yelled out sobbing into her shoulder.

"Hey hey it's okay. I'm sure everyone else in the guild feels the exact same way as I do!" I looked up at her and held her by the hands. "Really?" I asked her with a glimmer of hope in my eyes. "Really," she confirmed. "Actually, since you're a calligrapher, maybe you can help me with this," she helped up a pen, looks like an Adaigo pen. it's basically like an invisible ink pen but the ink can only be read by whoever the caster deems worthy, "An Adaigo pen?" I asked her, wanting to confirm my suspicions. "Yeah, I was wondering if you have any? I've gone to every store I could find but they don't have them anywhere," now she was the one who slouched over gloomily.

"Don't worry Levy, I have tons at home. I'll be happy to give you one!" I used to use them when I would pass secret notes to Lisanna but I haven't used them since the night she passed. "Really? You don't mind?" She probably doesn't wanna be a bother but I like Levy, she's cool. "It's no problem! I'll give it to you the next time I see you at the guild okay," I told her as I began to walk away and towards the cash register.

*time skip*

I got home about an hour ago and I've been practicing my calligraphy ever since. I stoked my brush along the paper and let my imagination run wild. I looked down and saw just another robotic disappointment.


I was about to slam my pen but remembered what happened when I did it last time so I decided to just plop on the ground instead.

I can't seem to get any of them right. I turned my head to the side and noticed the box where I keep my Adaigo pens. It's a little late but Levy might still be at the guild. Plus it would be good to go for a walk, it would help clear my head.

I grabbed a pen, put on my shoes, katana, and started heading to the guild. I don't live that far from them. It's just a 10-minute walk. 

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