Chapter 6: The Power of an Ice Dragon Slayer

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"Natsu! Don't hurt him!" Erza and I yelled as we jumped towards him with our swords. "Ah! I don't know what I did but I'm sorry!" Natsu yelled with his hands in the air. We passed him and Erza stuck her sword on the right side of Kage's neck while I stuck my sword on the left side of his neck. "You will dispel the wind barrier!" I ordered him, "And you will do so without complaint!" Erza added. I heard Natsu yell in the back about how scary we are but a hand suddenly pierced Kage.

Holy crap. I immediately started administering first aid. "You know healing magic?" Lucy asked me, "Well, I don't know any healing spells but I had to heal a lot of wounds when I was little so I know enough to fix this," I explained to her. "Wow, where were you raised in the middle of a war?" she asked me. "Actually, if you don't mind, I prefer not to talk about it," I told her. I prefer not to talk about my past, at least not this part of it.

I finished administering first aid to Kage and I looked up to see Natsu had knocked the guy that tried to kill Kage. "We should go try to find a way to escape," I said as I picked up Kage and we made our way towards the barrier.

*time skip*

We've been standing here for a while trying to figure a way out. We all tried attacking it but none of it worked. Erza even tried to bring Kage back to consciousness but it didn't work. He needs more time to heal. Then Happy chimed in with something he remembered.

"I was supposed to give you this," Happy said holding up a key and looked like he was going to say something else but Lucy interrupted him by squishing his cheeks and told him that stealing was bad. I bonked Lucy in the head. "Oi, Let him finish!" I said as I picked up Happy and massaged his cheeks.

"Aye, I was just about to say that Virgo asked me to give it to you and I thought we can have her dig a hole so we can get out of here," Happy explained. "Wow Happy that's a good idea. Apologize," I told Lucy sternly as a dark aura surrounded me.

"I'm sorry oh great Lord Happy," she said bowing. "Good, you are forgiven," I told her and I walked away while snuggling Happy.

*Lucy POV*

I looked over at Natsu, "She's really overprotective of him isn't she," I told Natsu. "Yeah, she's jealous because she doesn't have one. When I found Happy, she searched the whole woods looking for another egg but she didn't find one. Soooo, she treats Happy like he's her child," Natsu explained to me.

*Y/n POV*

Lucy called forth the spirit and we all managed to escape. Natsu went after Erigore with the help of Happy and Erza was about to make me get into the contraption but I was not about to get on that thing.

"No, no, no, no, I'm not getting on that death contraption again," I told Erza. I'm trying to save the Master not sleep through the whole thing. "It's the fastest way to get there," she tried to convince me. "For you maybe," I walked over to Gray and gave him my shoes. "Gray, would you please," he looked over and grabbed them, "Huh? Oh, yeah, sure," he used his ice magic to edit my shoes to become skating shoes. I could do it too but it's more fun to have Gray do these things. Besides, I have a feeling I'm gonna be needing a lot of magical energy.

"Huh? Are you sure skating is gonna be faster?" Lucy asked me. "Just wait for it," Gray told her. "And take cover," Erza added. They all hid behind the magic mobile as I put on the shoes. I sniffed the air for Natsu's scent. Once I caught the scent, I was off.

*Lucy POV*

Y/n put on her shoes and sniffed the air? "Natsu and Y/n have a super sensitive nose because their dragon slayers, so they can literally track people by scent," Gray explained to me. Guess he saw my confused face. "It's getting kinda cold," I voiced my thoughts but as I made my comment I was able to see my own breath. "Yeah, she's about to take off, duck," Gray said as we all ducked and it was super cold.

We walked around the car and it was frozen! "What just happened?" I asked completely confused. "Y/n has the ability to change her surrounding temperatures to freezing points, she literally freezes everything around her including the floor. With her dragon slayer speed, she'll probably arrive around the same time as Natsu and that's including his fire jet stream," What? "What? Just by skating?" I asked as we hopped on the Magic Mobile. "Yup," Gray simply said. Dragon Slayers really are on another level.

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