Chapter 19: Shock Therapy

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*reverse time*


"Gehe, yeah a little birdie told me you're afraid of a little shock therapy and the reason why," what? How does he know that? The only people who know are members of Fairy Tail and it's against guild rules to tell people outside the guild anything about the people in the guild. Even then, no one knows why. I felt a hand grab my ankle from the ground. Oh no, I let my guard down. It attached something to me and before I knew what was happening I felt pain all over my body and passed out.




I slowly opened my eyes, it was dark. I felt something on my wrists and when I looked down to see what it was I found out they were chains. Chains that nullify magic to be exact, so I can't use my dragon slayer magic. Guess I'll have to try and break them off. I was about to slam them against the ground but a voice interrupted me followed by the flickering of lights.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I looked up and saw a guy wearing purple with a creepy mustache, must be the Phantom Guilds master. "Why would I listen to you? You have a creepy mustache," I said with a monotone voice. "Fine do it then, see what happens," okay? Weirdo. I proceeded to slam them against the floor but the second it collided I felt a jolt a pain surge throughout my whole body. From my wrist up my arm, down my chest to my toes back up to my head.

"Aaaahh!" I yelled out in pain. "Haha, well deserved for being a little brat!" I felt such relief when the chains stopped electrocuting me.

"My friends will come for me!" I yelled at him. He's crazy if he thinks he's gonna get away with this. "Really? Do you think they'll still want you after they learn what you really are?" What? No... he can't possibly know. I'll just play it cool. "I don't know what you're talking about," I told him while looking down at the ground.

"Don't play coy with me 9 Tailed Fox," what? How could he possibly know that? The only person I ever told wasn't even a person; it was a dragon! "Maybe this will help you remember," I felt another jolt of electricity surge through my body but this one was stronger than the other one. It felt like my whole body was on fire and I couldn't put it out. It was too much for me to handle, not even my healing could keep up with it, I passed out again.


I opened my eyes slowly. I was sitting traditionally on the ground covered in dirt with nothing but a simple dress on. Who am I?

"Hello," I looked up at the source of the voice. It was a boy in a big black coat and black hair. "Who are you? Who am I?" the boy interrupted me with a chuckle. "Hehe, I see you have a lot of questions. To put it in simple terms I'm your master. I made you," the boy said as he offered a hand to help me up. I took it and we started walking as he started further explaining.

"Your name is Y/n Foxfire, you're a demon and not just any demon my greatest creation for my most perfect creation. A nine-tailed fox to be more specific," "a nine-tailed fox?" I asked him. "Yes, didn't you notice your tails?" Tails? I turned my head. What is he talking ab.... "I HAVE TAILS??" "Nine of them," he added. "1,2,3,4..." I started counting. Yup 9. Wait if I have tails does that mean? I touched the top of my head and froze at what I felt. "Are these cat ears?" I asked him "fox ears," he corrected. It's the same thing! I slowly but surely made my hands travel to my face fearing the worst but when I touched it felt like what I assume a normal face feels like.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to change your appearance later. You're just a child and I made you half-human. Because of that, your emotions play a big role in your curse, so you won't be able to fully control your transformations until you're older. I created you and I thought it best if I just implanted you with all the previous knowledge you needed, like reading and writing and language. All that other stuff. So, you know how this world runs on magic?" He asked. I nodded. Well yeah, you made me you know I do. "You don't possess magic. That is to say, you can learn it but it's not your power. Your power is more of a curse, but it has to be activated. Your caretaker will show you how," caretaker?

"The reason I said you were my greatest creation for my most perfect creation is because you are now his partner. I haven't made him yet but he's coming soon, you can't meet him until you have activated your curse though, for now, I'll just tell you his name, E. N. D." what the heck type of name is that. I lucked out. "I know this is a lot to take in but remember I created you so I know you can handle it. I'm going to drop you off with your caretaker now," I looked up and we were going towards some giant cube. "I'll be back for you soon. I promise," he gave me a reassuring smile, but he never came back.

*end flashback*

My eyelids felt heavy. My body felt sore. I could move most of my face but the rest of my body sure was out of commission for a little longer, until my demon healing catches up. I managed to open my eyes but there was the creepy mustache dude again.

"You sure pass out a lot," he told me smugly.

"Yeah well, that tends to happen when people are electrocuted with the full force of freaking Zeus," I snarkily told him.

I heard coughing and looked for the source.

"Lucy?" I asked as I saw a familiar blonde head on the floor.

"Yes, we were hired by her dear old dad to take her back home. I should let you know your dear Master died while you were passed out as well," what? That's a lie. Master Makarov can't be dead. I mean I know that they're both wizards saints and all but it should have at least been a draw.

"Gajeel take care of the girl, I need to take our new guest for a tour," the creepy mustache dude said. I know Erza told me his name but I can't be bothered to remember. I saw him taking Lucy away and I tried to save her but ended up electrocuted again.

"Damn it, lower the voltage to that thing while you're at it, can't have her passing out every time she gets shocked," was all I heard as my vision blurred at the sight of Lucy being taken.


When I first came to this floating cube I was treated with high honor and respect.

For months they trained me in combat tactics and different styles of martial arts. They essentially turned me into the perfect assassin to help "Master E. N. D." , as they call him, take over the mortal world.

Everything was going great until it was finally time to activate my curse. Apparently, in order to activate my curse, there are only two steps. Step one, I have to train my body to be able to handle the curse and step two, I have to be in my 9 tails form, which sucks for me because I hate it.

That's all it took for me to activate my curse but sadly for me when the day came for me to activate it I couldn't do it. I could not produce any single one of my flames, no matter how hard I tried. The other demons resented me for it. They said it was my human side that made me weak.

My caretaker dragged me to her dungeon and chained me to the wall.

"Come out boy it's time to play," I suddenly felt octopus tentacles grabbing my body. I felt one grab each arm and each leg. One grabbed my torso and one my neck. I yelled in pain as each tentacle grabbed me, it even hurts to breathe.

"You like that? My baby has teeth on its suckers, now produce the flame before you get something far worse," I tried producing the flames once again but I just couldn't do it, not a single one. "I can't, I'm sorry," my voice sounded so weak. "Then so be it," I suddenly felt like my body was on fire. I was being electrocuted by the tentacles. I yelled at the top of my lungs in pain. I felt like I was getting cooked alive. My skin turned red and started bleeding if it wasn't for my demon healing my wounds would probably be way worse.

She's kept torturing me ever since that day and not once have I been able to unlock my curse. They keep me in the dungeon now. I don't know why. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen the outside sky. I haven't seen my creator since that day.

My caretaker seems to enjoy every torture session more and more, it's like she can't get enough. Even my demon healing can't keep up with her sometimes. They have a new guy working for them now. Some ice user, he's nice. I've met him a couple of times. He wandered into my cell one day when he got lost and he's visited me ever since. Something about not being able to see a little girl suffer.

I wonder if the boy will ever come back for me.

I wonder if I'll ever get out of here.

*end flashback*

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