Corrupt Systemic

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"Fuck! Fuckety fuck fuck fuck, you fuckers!" Hidan cried.

Sasori glared at the silver haired 14 year old, who in return reciprocated him the exact same stare. "Shut the fuck up."

"Focus, Hidan."

"This is taking forever dammit!"

Sasori averted his gaze back to the now dead body and continued to focus his chakra control. He hated complainers, they were one of the few kinds of people that he couldn't stand─ although Hidan had a point, this was taking forever.

Kisame sighed. "What do we do with the body?"

"I'll dispose of it myself." Pain responded.

The puppet and the others continued to focus on their chakra control. This was far more boring than they expected it to be─ and because none of them specialize in chakra control, they had to keep silent so that they could focus. It was a real drag in Sasori's head. He just wanted to get this over with, but throughout the whole jutsu, his face remained as emotionless as ever.

He just wanted this torture to end.


Kakashi glanced up from his icha icha novel to see that the sun had already set. The moon was held high in the heavy navy blue skies, it shined light upon Konoha like it always did. He closed his book single handedly and slowly brought himself to sit up. He shifted his attention over to the dining table where he saw the pink haired girl propped onto one of the chairs and reading away whatever book she was reading. As he adjusted his gaze, he realized it was Rin's old medical book. Sakura seemed focus, her eyes never once left the pages and her cheeks were puffed out─ a habit she developed when feeling indulged. 

"Sakura, are you hungry?" he entreated.

A small smile plastered her lips to the voice that echoed in her ears. Sakura cocked her head his way, "Hm, no. But!"  She plopped off her chair, skipping her way to him with her book in hand. "I wanna practice some Medical Ninjutsu, the book shows 'lots of cool ways ta' practice it."

She proffered him a specific page and he wearily looked over it, he knew where this was going and he didn't like it.

"Can I ask Tsunade-sama if she can give me some of the materials? Please?!"

Expectant and wide green hues stared into obsidian with ambition and hope. Kakashi stared at her and knew that she was really hoping that he ought to yes─ though, there was a part of himself that wanted to refuse because he didn't want her getting indulged into it too early in age. 

They already held weekly sessions on basic Shinobi tactics with the Hokage's will, although he figured that for someone her age, that it should be enough. It was either she was getting bored of the standard training exercises he's been making her do, or she had other motives that were of secrecy. He figured it was the latter, only that much more of a reason to refuse.

In advance of giving her an answer, the front door was knocked upon. Kakashi stood up and dragged his feet towards it, wondering who could possibly visit him this time of night. As he opened the door, his hands felt loose and his eye, just ever so slightly, widened. 


"B-but Milady," Shizune uttered.

"C'mon Shizune, lighten up." Tsunade took yet another large sip from her sake. "All you're doing is dropping off Sakura's clothes to her and coming back. What's the worst that can happen?"

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