Sakura, Kakashi and Hidan

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Tsunade hated paperwork.

"Shizune! Get me some sake, I'm done for the day!" 

Awkwardly clasping her hands behind herself, she lopsidedly smiled. "But Milady, it's only 3pm. We still have a lot of work to do so calling it a day now won't be for the best because you're going to be─."

"Enough about the Hokage topic─ it's making me sick." she cut in, quickly dropping her head upon her desk. "Who knew this was going to be this hard, I don't even want to be Hokage."

Shizune's smile flattened. "But becoming Hokage sounds like a perfect job for you, I think that the village needs someone like you. Desperately, actually."

Dragging her head back up, a pair of hazel darted out the window in agony. Unfortunately for them, their view consisted of a few trees and the side of another building. 

This was what they called their 'household'.

"I'm calling it off," she began. "I'm not going to be Hokage."

"But Lady Tsunade─!"

"Do you remember what Nawaki and Dan had always wanted?" she queried, eyes icing over. "That was their dream, not mine and it'd be foolish if I'd taken on their will without having the will myself. They wanted to be Hokage, not me. They carried the Will of Fire, not me."

"But you do carry the Will of Fire! I can see it!" she pleaded, almost desperately. In response, all she'd been reciprocated was a shake of a head which made her head droop down.

"Shizune, don't lie."


"Deidara, you fucking idiot give it back!" 

"This is payback for making me choke, hmph!"

"I'll sacrifice you!"

"Oh yeah? With what scythe?! You left that at the hideout!" he maniacally laughed. 

Hidan heaved a heavy sigh as he stomped his feet to the nearest couch, plopping himself onto it. He finally gave up arguing with Deidara about the last piece of left over fish that Kakashi had made from the night before─ the damn kid wouldn't let him have it. It'd been 2 days since they've been declared as citizens of Konohagakure, yet there was so much that he wanted to do, but he just didn't know where to go due to his unfamiliarity with the village.

He glanced over to the side to see Sakura plopped on her knees on the floor, with a book laid out right in front of her. She ought to help him, right?

Tumbling off the couch and rolling his way to her side, he watched as she glanced his way momentarily prior to averting her attention back to her book. 

"You know how to read?" He inquired, genuinely.

"Mhm! Wanna try reading it with me?" she grinned.

"Give it to me."

She slid it his way, watching as magenta eyes skimmed over a couple pages before stopping at a specific one. 

"Family of roses chapter 2.... The Eden roses. Pink roses typically symbolize gratitude, grace, joy and admiration due to their beauty and growing journey. When they bloom, you admire them and feel joyful." he adjusted his body and continued. "Their beauty's grace is what defines the rose and makes a person grateful knowing that the journey had finally taken its climax. These kinds of flowers tend to take 3-5 years to grow, although it takes so long due to the fact that they are climbing roses─ kid, why the hell are you reading books that even I can't fucking understand?!"

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