His Sorrow, His Happiness

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There Kakashi sat with his book in his hand but knitted brows intact.

He heard someone call out a familiar name, but all the sounds were silent afterwards. It left the room with a cold ambiance to linger, causing Kakashi to feel somewhat uncomfortable. All he could think about was the name that was muffled through his window. Sakura. Who would dare yell her name out in front of his house and go silent right after.

He didn't know, nor did he attempt to find out. 

That was until a few minutes later where he heard a knock on his door. He sighed and lazily stood to his feet with his book still in hand, trudging himself to his front door with the hopes of shunning away whoever it was that decided to bother him this time of night. He briefly glanced over to the clock on the wall; 2:28AM. He curled his fingers around the knob of the door and opened it. 

There, he almost felt like his world stopped before he could try to make it run. His eye flickered to those of the shortest one in the huddle.

Her brows curled together as tears trickled in the corners of her awfully yet visibly tired green eyes.


He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or if this was just a lame joke his friends decided to pull on him─  although he figured that the latter was too cruel for any person to even try. Sakura started shaking her head slowly at the sight of the man she'd been longing for all this time not being able to understand. She looked back to the person who stood right behind her for assistance and Kakashi dragged his confused and trembling gaze to the person as well.

Was this really happening?

"Kakashi, we brought Sakura back to you. Please take care of her." Itachi said, slightly bowing his head in respect of his former captain. 

It was true, and he was sure that he wasn't hallucinating now. 

Kakashi glanced up to Itachi for a moment before shooting it back down to Sakura, who seemed to have lost balance and began falling forward. Without thinking twice, he dropped his book, kneeled down and opened his arms for her to fall into. It was almost like his world that had momentarily stopped for so long, had finally started to move again and quite frankly, into the right direction.

"Kakashi-san." She cried.

Her face hit his shoulder, but Kakashi adjusted himself so that her face was rested in a more comfortable place; the cook of his neck. He didn't care about the others that were currently accompanying him, nor if outsiders were to see this─ all he wanted was to embrace what he'd been missing dearly. He wanted to embrace the very thing that caused his sorrow, but also his happiness. 

He could feel the way her tears sunk through his clothed neck, but he was glad that she was crying. In some sort of twisted way, Sakura was letting out both their emotions. The little twitches from her cries made him tighten his arms around her fragile and awfully cold body.

"Kakashi-san." she whispered.

He grabbed her small and fragile shoulders and pulled her slightly away, taking a good look on her starting from her hair, to her face, to her arms and so on. 

"Kakashi-san," Itachi began. 

"I know."

He already could tell that there was something wrong with her.

He slowly stood back to his feet, but held Sakura close to himself.  "We should head inside, someone might see us." 

Kakashi would do whatever it would take to protect Sakura now that she was finally here and so he immediately moved himself to the side and allowed the criminals and delicate girl to come inside his house. His sole eye trailed onto a specific blonde and noticed his large grin.

🌸 The Flower He Saw 🌸 A Kakashi and Sakura StoryWhere stories live. Discover now