Chapter 49

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Another Chapter!!!!! 🤑 I think I'm more excited than you all! And I'm also very proud of myself! 😊

Few hours ago in the Villa!

It was lunch time when Zamid called his mother from office and said that a client will be coming to have lunch with them.

When the males came back fro lunch along with Ibrahim, the ladies greeted him as he was very young. He first asked to meet their Dadi jaan because he was mainly there for meeting her and asking about her health. After spending some time with Dadi jaan, he was called to have lunch with them. He had lunch and then the males went to the lounge to have some chat.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you all! Can you please call all the ladies of your house too! I have something that I want to tell you!" Ibrahim started while looking at Asfand. The males were all confused with this request but they still called the ladies.

Hiba and both of hana's Tayis also sat in the available seats. Zarmeena and Samman were in the hospital. They had left right before the males came back so now it was all the males and the mothers of the children. Asfand and both of his brothers also came back in the morning and went straight to office.

"I know you guys must be wondering why I called you all when you don't even know me! I just want to tell you something but I don't know how to! So, let me start from the begining. Zayn knows all this but I wanted to tell this myself that's why I asked him not to!" Ibrahim said while looking at Zayn who nodded and urged him to say further. Ibrahim sighed and then started with telling everything from the start.

"This business is actually my father's. He was a great man and started a very small restaurant in Dubai! It was named as the Jannat's Café! Jannat is my mother's name! He opened it on her name! This café was opened before their marriage! After their marriage, my mother was blessed with a child! That is me! They were very happy! The life was going good for us! My parents were very loving and caring! The business was also succeeding as Dad opened a real Restaurant but did not change the name. Then, when I was around 11 years old, my father opened the second branch of this Restaurant in Dubai and due to work, he became very busy! One night, my father came back very late and when he entered the house, he was shocked and scared because my mother was crying while sitting on the sofa and I was trying to sooth her but she was screaming in pain! I was very scared but Allah is the most Merciful as he sent my father at the same time and we hurriedly took her to hospital.

My parents were blessed with twins on that night! The funny thing is that it was 31st December and Hanan was born at around 11:30! But the funny thing is that my sister was not ready to come to the world so she was born on 1st January before Fajar. My brother was a very healthy kid but my sister was not that lucky! She was very weak and was immediately shifted to NICU!

I had only one uncle! He was my father's younger brother! He and his wife took me with them for the night! In the evening of the same day, my father was coming back with my mother and brother as the doctors have told that my sister was to remain in hospital for at least a week so they were coming back with only hanan! Unfortunately, their car met an accident and they died. Only my brother was not hurt at all! There was not even a scratch on him! It is a miracle that he was safe! Anyways, my uncle took us in and when I asked him what about my sister, he told me that she died in the car accident! At that time, I did not know that he lied but some years ago, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. At his death bed, he confessed that he had lied about my sister and she could still probably be alive! I asked him for his reasons and he told me that my father had given 80% of his shares to her while the remaining 20% were to be shared between us brothers. He said that he became greedy and lied about her! The shares were then by default, transferred to I and Hanan! He said that he did not know where my sister is as he never looked for her. So, I investigated and finally got to know that she was sent to the Pakistan branch of the orphanage where the hospital had sent her. I came to Pakistan to search for her and on the day I was suppose to leave for Dubai, I saw posters of Hana! Your daughter, hana! The moment I saw her posters on the boards, I instantly knew it was her! It was fate that she got position in board and her pictures were put on the banners! She looks just like my mother! On that day, I went back to Dubai with satisfaction as I got to know what I came here for. I told hanan everything and he was always the short-temper one and he demanded that I take him to Pakistan! So, we decided to visit Pakistan again and this time, talk to hana too! We searched her a little on internet and there was some information about her being the topper! I knew that already but hanan did not! So, after some time, we search the social medias and found her ID's. But, we did not contact her at that time! When we landed in Pakistan, hanan went away saying that he has a friend here and he is going to meet him. I let him as I never put restrictions on him! I did not know it but he was actually going to meet hana! He texted her and told her everything! He started talking to her but she never replied him back!

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