Chapter 57

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“I don’t want to marry you!” Hana said with finality and tears! It was weird for Rayaan to see determination as well as tears! At first, he was shocked and confused by her sudden outburst but then he masked his face with an expression of seriousness and calm.

“May I know the reason?” he asked very calmly that it caused her to fidget.

“Just because!” she composed herself and said with a fake attitude. Her eyes were still glossy.

“I asked for the reason!” he asked with forceful tone that caused her fake bravado to go down the drain.

“I-I! Wo sh-she!” she started with a stutter.

“HANA!” he took her name in his hard tone that it scared her even more.

“I just said na! Because I don’t want to marry you! That is the only reason! Now please tell the elders about this!” she took a breath to calm herself and then blurted with the same attitude but her eyes were saying something else!

“If you are not going to give me a reason then forget about it! I am not going to say anything to our family! Give me a reason and I will ask our parents to break this possible alliance!” Rayaan saw her struggle and then tried to calmly ask her so that she can tell what she wanted to. He did not want to scare her even more than she already was so tried to be a little bit soft with her.

“Bec-Becau-Because I-I-I! Yeah! Because I don’t like you anymore! Yeah! That’s the reason! Now cancel this!” she again begin but then said this which was a clear lie as she was saying all this as if she was telling it to herself too. This made Rayaan a little annoyed but her remained calm on the outside and further asked her.

“Were not you the one who shouted in front of everyone that you will only marry me and no one else! What happened now!?”

“I finally realized how much I don’t like you! And you scolded me too! Remember your scoldings! You were so harsh and now why would I want to live with this for the rest of my life! Huh?” she again gave the reason but he was not buying it at all.

“Hana! You done now!? Now tell me the actual reason! Tell me the truth or get back to your room!” he said intimidatingly.

“I-” before she could say something, he cut her off.

“Think wisely before you speak! This is the last time I will ask nicely! Tell me the truth or get ready for the nikah because it will happen tomorrow now! I won’t delay it more! If your reason will be valid then I will not force you in this relationship but if it will be something dumb like everytime then we will be getting married tomorrow! In Sha Allah and that is a promise!” he said with barely controlled anger and annoyance!

“Hey! Are you calling me Dumb?” she asked with a pout but it was the end of his control.

“Hana! Out with the truth already! You are annoying me now!” he said in his hard tone which finally scared her enough to get the truth out!

“Wo actually, Tahreem appi’s mother came today! She was talking with Dado that you must be marrying me because I am not P-Pure now! You must be marrying me only because of the family honour and I don’t want you to ever do that! That’s why I want you to marry someone of your own choice! I just want to see you happy! Always!” She said this with love and tears! Her eyes started to shed tears at this because it hurt her to even say something like that!

“When will you stop eavesdropping on others?” Instead of clearing her doubts, he asked her. He looked a little relaxed after her answer and to avoid answering her because he still was not clear about his feelings. He still did not know why her rejection mattered to him so much so he avoided giving answer to her yet.

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