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How are you all? I hope you all are doing fine!
Okay so this announcement is basically to clear something that you ALL had missed in the previous chapters and have not understood it from the characters' POV.... So, I will clear them for you!
1- Hana's Rape:- everyone is confused about it as I have not cleared what really happened to her.... The thing is that she was not raped. As if, if she really was, then she would not be behaving normal with everyone.... It is just the assumption of others who saw her with torn cloths and sexual harassment signs (hand marks on face and neck). Hana is going to give her statement to police in the next chapter so everything else will be cleared.
2- Hanan's question from doctors about her Hijab:- as hanan is a new character and you guys are not able to fully accept him yet, so I will clear it for you.... Hanan is a kid, same age as hana, 18 years old..... So, he is still a child and is still pampered by his older brother, Ibrahim, who thinks of hanan as his own child.... Hanan is very impulsive and energetic and very excited to have a sister in his life after living all his life without any female cousin or sister! It's a new concept for him and he thinks whatever Hana is doing or whatever are her habits are the ideal habits in a female! He just knows that his sister does not want to show her hair to males out of her family that is why he asked the doctor about her Hijab.... Hanan was just trying to protect what his sister wants to and that is it.... For him, her life is more important than his own.... Hana was out of danger and that is why he asked for head cover.... On the other hand, Ibrahim is a very mature child as at a very young age, he lost his parents and had to grow up earlier than his age for his baby brother! Ibrahim knew that it was hanan's impulsiveness and temper on kidnappers that is talking like this that is why he stop his baby brother....
3- Hana's appearance at the time of kidnapping:- hana was WITHOUT Hijab when she was abducted from her brothers' apartment.... She was dragged with her hair..... She did not had a Hijab at that time to begin with so it was stupid of hanan to ask for one when she was not wearing any to begin with....
4- Parda/Hijab:- okay so some of you guys were having a heated conversation about a girl covering herself only because of family pressure.... The thing is that in our religion, there is nothing as forced Parda! We are given freedom to do it IF WE WANT TO.... And the same freedom is given to hana and her other cousins in their family.... Her cousin sisters don't do it.... They show their hair and they also do cover their hair sometimes.... It is only hana who covers her head properly (according to Islam)..... Hana wears Hijab because she likes to wear it.... Her mother taught her these things but never forced her.... It was her own will to do it!
5- Rape news:- no one is informed that hana is not raped... Only samman and zarmeena know this and the police.... They have not told about this to any family member yet.... You saw how Zayn, hanan and Ibrahim were behaving with her even if they thought she was raped.... They still tried to act normal with her that she would not go in depression as girls do tend to become silent and introvert just to cope with their situation.... Family plays an important role in making the raped person to be a strong and brave person again! If the victim has a strong back and support, he or she can fight anyone and overcome any obstacle.... Hana is also given full support from her brothers and we will see how she will get out of this situation! Even though she was NOT raped but she still was kidnapped and she faced physical abuse that will leave an impact on her.... The society around her is also going to put blame on her and that will be the time when her family needs to support her and shit people up!
Okay so I think it was enough of my rant! I'll be updating next chapter by night, today, In Sha Allah!
Till then.... Tata!

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