Missing Fur Baby

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"Mase, maybe we should take her in and clean her up." His friend finally spoke. I glanced back at the two men behind me. My vision was a little off but I started to wonder if I could trust Mason or his friends. 

"Yas, just come with us inside and we will get you clean," Mason said touching my shoulder.  Unwilling, my legs begin to walk following the two inside the building and up to our floor. I walked straight passed my apartment to Mason's door. The funny thing was I wasn't sure about going in because the last two times I knocked on his door he never let me go further than the door.

"NO!" I yelled still clutching my bags. It was amazing that I still had them. "I-I meant, I can clean up myself in my apartment. I don't want to intrude. Thank you anyway, Mason, and I don't think I caught your name." I spoke still I haven't looked up to the males standing before me. I just wanted to go curl up with Siren and think over what just happened.

"That's because you never asked baby, but it's Jason. In case you haven't noticed Mason is my twin brother." Quickly my eyes darted up looking between the men. It wasn't the same man who was in the store with him and how did I miss that they looked exactly alike.

"You're not the man I saw with Mason at the store. Were you? And did you come from?" I asked confused. It was only a five-minute walk from our building to the market. A car ride would have been shorter and for them to show up at the same time as I was a little off.

"Uh, I don't think so sweetheart. Mase picked me up before coming home. It was probably one of his lovers. Mase has so many it's hard to keep up with."

"I hate you sometimes and don't act like you don't. Hell, you're probably thinking of a way to get in Yasmine's pants as we speak."

I glared as he looked like he was removing my clothes with his eyes and licking his lips. Nothing on me was exposed but the look he was giving made me cover my chest as he slowly turned back to his brother smiling. Mason on the other hand shook his head turning to the door and unlocking it.  

"I would like it if you came in Yasmine and let us clean you up, but it's up to you. I won't force you."

"I know, but need to let Siren out before she pees or shit on my floor."

"I can take her out while Jason cleans you up. How do that sound?"

"Like you're about to get bit. Siren hated you." I spoke because I was unsure of the situation. Why was he trying so hard to get me into his home? Then all alone with his twin whom I never met until tonight. It had me scratching my head and looking back at my door asking myself should I run as my eyes meet with Jason's. Something strange happened against my will causing me to agree to Mason's suggestion.

"O-okay, but don't try to pick her up. Let her come to you and when she is finished bring her to me if I'm still here."

"Good!" Jason claps his hands together turning to me with a smile. "Mase go get the dog and take care of her." He spoke and gripped my arm until I pulled away turning to my door to unlock it. I had an urge not to let Mason go into my home without me as Siren came running up.

I stepped inside to place my bags on the counter that neither man offer to help with. Then grabbed Siren, her leash, and bag for Mason to pick her deed.

"Siren's a picky dog she will only use the bathroom in the field across the street... and if you hurt my baby. I will kill you." 

Mason glared for a moment looking from me to a growling Siren rolling his eyes. "Yas, I think that I'm in more danger of being hurt than that little bitch. But no one is going to hurt your fucking dog. Damn girl, what do you take me for?"

Not So Normal Yasmine * It all comes back * Book IDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora